Got a door that rattles when underway — or even when a wave hits at anchor? How we stopped one that drove us nuts!
Motoring with Crud in the Water
When you’re motoring, your engine is constantly circulating sea water. Crud in the water can cause the engine to overheat. How to avoid problems.
Dinghy Getting Heavier?
We wasted a lot of time trying to find a serious problem, when the real problem only took five minutes to solve!
Avoid Kinks When Coiling Lines on a Boat
Kinked lines driving you nuts when they won’t go through blocks? Here’s a quick solution from Dave’s Sea Scout days!
Cruisers Helping: You’re Never Alone
Cruisers helping each other is one of the unwritten rules of living on a boat. You get out of this life what you put into it.
Having Back Up Plans When Boating
We’ve learned to ALWAYS have back up plans. If we’re lucky, we don’t need them. But sometimes we do . . .
The Marina Book Swap
Book swaps are great to pick up a bunch of new-to-you books. A couple of tips so you don’t pick up a bunch of bugs at the same time!
Boating Baby Steps & Shakedowns
Sure, we want to start “really cruising” on our new boat. But it’s going to be a series of baby steps and shakedowns.
When You’re Boating, What’s an Overnighter?
How you normally use your boat can color what you mean by an “overnighter.”
Dividing Expenses on a Charter Vacation
Dividing all the little expenses on a group charter can be a pain. Here’s an easy way to keep it all equal!