Know the regulations and make sure you’re in compliance. Be sure to check state regs, too!
How to Wear an Outboard Kill Switch Lanyard
A simple way to wear an outboard kill cord so that you don’t accidentally pull it out and stop the engine but have it work when it should.
Cockpit Lighting on Charter
Going on a charter? These lights are all small to pack but add a lot of ambiance to dining in the cockpit — not to mention safety as you move around after dark on deck!
The Care & Feeding of Sailing Crew
Take advantage of Lin Pardey’s extensive knowledge of offshore voyaging and her collection of tips to make it easier on the crew with her just-released fourth edition.
Distant Shores DVDs
Dreaming of cruising? Need a little inspiration? Or wanting to share your dream with someone else? These DVDs just might do it!
When Gear Breaks on Your Boat
We all tend to think about having spares and the ability to fix things that break. But what will you do until it’s fixed? Plan ahead!
Charter Provisioning in the BVI
Planning a charter vacation in the BVI? Info and links to numerous provisioning options offering online ordering so you don’t have to spend a precious day of your vacation running around!
Boating Checklist
Get an editable boating checklist of necessary tasks before getting underway in your boat. Don’t risk running out of fuel or lockers flying open!
Provisioning to Cruise Mexico
Don’t be intimidated by the thought of provisioning to cruise Mexico! What you need to know before you depart the United States.
Love with a Chance of Drowning
The true story of what happens when you go outside your comfort zone. WAY outside.