If you’re seasick, the last thing in the world you need is to have to search for your meds . . .
Planning to Cruise Internationally
How to learn the legal formalities for international cruising on your own boat — the most reliable sources for everything you need to know.
A Case for Boat Cards
An easy way to keep your boat cards in the dinghy — no worries about water or spray damage — and have them wherever you go!
How To Tie a Boat To a Mooring Ball
How to securely tie your boat to a mooring ball and avoid chafe. Includes regular tying up, the best line to use and extra security for storms.
The Cruiser’s Best Friend: Google
Finding the infomation you need right when you need it, Google has changed cruising.
You’ll Never Be Ready. Go Anyway!
Thinking of going on an extended cruise? Most of us don’t feel “ready” and can think of ten things we need to do before going. If the boat is seaworthy without them, go anyway!
Is Your Lifesling Ready For Use? Are you SURE?
Someday, your life or the life of someone you love may depend on a Lifesling. How to make sure it will deply correctly.
Boat Hair: To Cut or Not to Cut?
What’s best if you’re spending a lot of time on a boat? Long hair or short? I’ve had both (and in-between) and here’s my assessment.
Getting a New PFD
Good PFDs (personal floatation devices) and tethers are expensive high tech gear. How to choose and set up a new PFD.
Why You Need To Check Boat Safety Gear
It’s important to regularly check boat safety gear to ensure that it will work if you ever need it. Your life might depend on it!