Cruising with confidence means cruising on your own terms. Today’s writer shares her cruising path.
Cruising Reality vs Social Media
Cruising reality may differ from your expectations. Especially if you follow cruisers on social media. Here’s why.
Should You Sell Your Home When You Go Cruising?
Should you sell your home when you go cruising? That depends. And surprisingly, boat insurance can be a prime factor.
Cruisers Benefit from Doing New Things . . . Badly
Doing new things is part of the cruising life. But you’ll handle it much better if you can be comfortable doing new things badly.
Practicing Cruising Skills
Practicing cruising skill is worth starting before you throw off the lines. Here are boat skills you can practice now to help you later.
Downsizing: Old Photo Albums
Wondering what to do with a lifetime of photo albums? Scanning them is a great option and this scanner makes it faster and easier than ever.
How to Gain Cruising Experience
Want to gain cruising experience before setting off around the world? You can do it. Just start one step at a time.
Old Boat New Problems
A good old boat that has seen some adventures can still offer surprises in new problems. Here’s one cruiser’s story.
Moving Onto Your Cruising Boat
If you’ve never done it, you can’t imagine how challenging it is to move onto a cruising boat for the first time. Here are my best tips for making it as positive an experience as possible.
How to Build Your Cruising Skill Set
Just how do you gain all the skills you need to be a successful cruiser? Well, it starts with knowing what skills you need to build the most…