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New Podcast: Waterproof Tablet Case

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Carolyn talks about her favorite waterproof tablet case and what makes it so special.

Every Wednesday: Newsletter Day!

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The Boat Galley Newsletter is your best resource for deciding if the cruising life is for you and then getting ready to live aboard, actually throwing off the dock lines, and flattening out that first-year learning curve. Best of all, it's FREE.

West Palm Beach Meet-Up

O'Shea's Irish Pub 531 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

Join Carolyn, Dave, Larry, and other cruisers in the area for a Valentine's Day Happy Hour! Drinks (non-alcoholic as well as alcoholic) and nibbles at O'Shea's Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL. Dutch treat. We're likely to be at one of the large tables out in front! Dutch treat. Kids always welcome; dogs welcome […]

New Podcast: Transiting the Panama Canal

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SPECAL: Nica's going to talk about their recent transit of the Panama Canal, on just a 28-foot boat! This is going to be EPIC.

Every Wednesday: Newsletter Day!

The Boat Galley Newsletter is your best resource for deciding if the cruising life is for you and then getting ready to live aboard, actually throwing off the dock lines, and flattening out that first-year learning curve. Best of all, it's FREE.

West Palm Beach Meet-Up

O'Shea's Irish Pub 531 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

Join Carolyn, Dave, Larry, and other cruisers in the area for Happy Hour drinks (non-alcoholic as well as alcoholic) and nibbles at O'Shea's Irish Pub in West Palm Beach, FL. We're likely to be at one of the large tables out in front! Dutch treat. Kids are always welcome; dogs welcome unless weather forces us […]