Being seasick is awful.
Having to root through lockers and bins to find any seasick remedies only makes it worse. Trust me on this.
Even if you think you’ll never get seasick, it’s wise to keep some within reach from the cockpit. Having to go down below makes seasickness worse for almost everyone, as does trying to look through anything.
We keep a package right inside the door to the cockpit, where I can just reach in and grab them instantly – they’re right in sight.
Having them there also reminds me to take some before we head out (on long passages or when we think conditions are likely to bother me, I start taking the meds 12 to 24 hours before we leave). And if I forget – or if I don’t think I need meds and then discover that I do – I don’t make the seasickness worse by having to go inside or start digging through drawers or lockers.
You may prefer a different medicine (meclizine works well for me), acupressure bands, one ear plug or something else altogether but the point is to have it where it’s easy to grab and you know exactly where it is. Read about a variety of seasickness remedies here.
One more quick tip: if you take birth control pills, be aware that vomiting from seasickness may leave you unprotected. Talk with your doctor about what to do should this situation arise and perhaps carry alternative birth control with you.
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Diane Ericsson says
We have a very small plastic drinking glass (child sized) that fits in the galley spice rack. It always has a couple of blister packed seasick med tablets and a few Emergen-C packets. Just knowing it is there helps!
Gina Soucheray says
We have a small “comfort bag” in the head with meclizine, accupressure bands, ear plugs, a couple of sleeping eye masks, inexpensive sunglasses and Breathe Right strips. A little something for everyone – guests and crew alike. In other news, I have a load of yogurt underway right now. Thanks for all the good hints. Gina on B’s Hive
Admiral says
Do you still get seasick? I thought that after a certain amount of time (different for every person), they wouldn’t get seasick any more 🙁
Carolyn Shearlock says
I never used to, now I do occasionally. If the motion is right, I’ll get hit.
Chad Yarborough says
I got scopolamine this year. My wife liked them fine. I go for Less Drowsy Dramamine when I start to turn green. Any recommends?
Mary Nichol says
As a life time sufferer of motion sickness ( I was a blast in the car as a child!), every morning we take our boat out, myself AND our dog take our meclizine.
Tony Gariepy says
It would be bad to fill the bilge while rooting around for your meds…
Eric Ludin says
Good point about women taking birth control pills……but, my wife is not usually that amorous when she is seasick!
Carolyn Shearlock says
But puking them up for a couple days can have longer effects . . .
Angie White says
In my belly.
Diane Ericsson says
We keep them in the spice rack in the galley and it is reachable from the cockpit. An assortment of meds & herbal types all fit in one kid size plastic juice glass.
Amanda says
I keep some by my bed as I literally need them before I get up. I keep more in the cockpit table and yet more in the first aid box and finally, more in a plastic container in the fridge! Yes, I really suffer with it! LOL
Ellie says
We keep ours within reach of companion way hatch. I always start 24 hours before we leave too..and just to make sure I don’t forget them on the moring we leave I wrap the engine keys around a blister pack of them.. I always keep some dry snacks and Gatorade in the cockpit too because if it’s rough there is no way I’m going below unless it’s to check to engine or use the head. Being on the helm seems to really help the seasicknes for me too. You always have such articles that are so helped to us all, Your blog makes us feel like we have our own personal boat reference guru 💞 I’ve learned more from your post then all the other boat bloggers combined.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Well, thank you! Glad you find it so helpful!