Fast-drying towels are a must on a boat, and TaLii towels are wonderful in that regard. Bonus: they can be laser embroidered with your boat name or logo!
Do You Need a Watermaker?
Do you need a watermaker to go cruising? What are the pros and cons? Things to consider before making a major purchase.
That Freezing Cold Toilet Seat
Toilet seats get chilly in cooler climates, but there’s an easy way to keep from freezing your tush! A toilet seat cover is inexpensive and takes just a minute to install.
What to Offer for a Boat
Everyone wants to know what to offer for a boat that they want to buy. Rather than a rule of thumb, here are 8 things to take into consideration.
Isotherm Cruise 130 Refrigerator
A report on our Isotherm Cruise 130 boat refrigerator after using it for two years. Overall grade: B. Read why.
Dyson Cordless Handheld Vacuum
We balked at the price of a Dyson. We bought other handheld vacuums and had them die or perform poorly. In the long run, the Dyson costs less.
Endless Breeze 12-Volt Fan
At anchor or on a mooring, the Endless Breeze box fan provides extra cooling on super-hot days or when working in areas without permanently-mounted fans.
Nail Care Tools
Sick and tired of rusting nail clippers and moldy emery boards. Me too! So I found better ones . . . that are still affordable.
Project Boat for a First Boat
Project boats are sooo tempting. They seem like an inexpensive way to get into boating. Truth is, they’re likely to end up being more expensive . . . and you won’t be out on the water!
Outland Hatch Covers, Part 2
More reasons why I love Outland Hatch Covers!