Accidents are no fun, but they happen. Hopefully they’re just “fender-benders” and the boat isn’t totaled. Life does go on.
🎧Notes at the Helm
Tides, bridges, bail out locations . . . how do you remember it all? And make sure that everyone else knows it too? Listen in for our solution.
Passagemaking and Sleep
Planning your first overnight passage? Wondering what it’ll really be like . . . and how you’ll sleep? Sleeping well begins long before laying your head down 😴
🎧Do I Need a Windlass?
You can just hand-pull the anchor every time. But if you’re full-time cruising, there are some safety tradeoffs to consider.
Favorite Weather Apps
Our three favorite weather forecasting apps (each deals with a different aspect) as well as the email forecast service we love for Florida and the Bahamas.
Don’t Lose Your Dinghy
Lost or stolen dinghies are heart-breaking, as they’re expensive to replace and your mobility is limited until you do. Tips to lessen the chances of the dinghy being stolen or floating free.
🎧Avoiding Trips from Hell
If you’ve had a horrible, awful, miserable trip I want to give you hope that future ones are almost certain to be better.
Creating and Leaving a Float Plan
A float plan is an important safety item for every boating trip. Learn more, including how to get around the apparent bug in saving the completed form.
Mistakes Happen
Yes, mistakes will happen. But happens next?
Bad Sailing Days
Had a trip from hell and wondering if this is really what you want to be doing for “fun?” Future trips will almost certainly be better – here’s why.