Electric windlasses aren’t cheap and require attention to detail in their installation, but provide important safety benefits.
🎧Geezer Cruising
Who says cruising is only for young retirees? Older folks — geezers — are out here too. How we make it work.
Less Stressful Cruising
We all dream of carefree cruising but the reality of boat maintenance and trip prep can get in the way of that. Three things that greatly lessen the stress for us.
Anchor As If It Will Blow 50
If you always anchor your boat as if you know it’s going to blow 50, you won’t be surprised if it does.
Boat Maintenance: O-Rings
Why repair o-rings annually, even if they don’t appear to be cracked? Contaminated fuel and engine damage are only a few of the problems you’ll avoid.
How To Make Lazy Jacks Easy To Use
Does it drive you nuts to raise the main on a boat with lazy jacks? A couple hours and about $100 in parts can solve the problem!
Cruising & Plans
Cruising plans are often said to be written in the sand at low tide. It took us a couple of years to understand what that really meant.
How To Tie a Boat To a Mooring Ball
How to securely tie your boat to a mooring ball and avoid chafe. Includes regular tying up, the best line to use and extra security for storms.
Communication Headsets
Have you ever wished there was a better way to communicate with each other or with multiple people while on your boat?
Stop Rattling Doors on a Boat
Got a door that rattles when underway — or even when a wave hits at anchor? How we stopped one that drove us nuts!