How has cruising changed? Lin Pardey answers cruiser questions and shares the secret to the best voyaging life.
🎧Storms at Sea
What does it feel like offshore when winds top 50 knots? We’ll tell you, review some common heavy weather equipment, and share ideas for coping.
🎧 Navigation Tools
After a lifetime of cruising with sextant and hand-bearing compass, Lin Pardey goes cruising with GPS and compares the experience. Is GPS really safer, or just easier?
🎧 Jury-Rig Your Rigging
A rigging failure is one of the scariest things that can happen on an offshore passage. Techniques for getting yourself to safety without outside assistance.
Travel Time
Travels by boat are so much more uncertain than travels by land. We think we understand that and allow for it, but any cruiser’s first trip seems to be filled with surprises about just how long it takes.
🎧Magic in Choosing a Better Anchorage
A planned anchored just won’t work in the condtions, and it’s pretty disappointing. But maybe the alternate will be even better!
🎧Anchoring for Squalls
How do you prepare for an unexpected squall? Can you? Sure you can! Tips for anchoring.
🎧For First-Time Voyagers
Storms, running out of food, breaking gear, is this the reality of setting sail across an ocean? First timers worry it is. So listen in to see what some of these first timers actually encountered once as they crossed their very first ocean.
🎧Overcoming Fear and Gaining Confidence
Being prepared for offshore cruising not only means having gear to handle heavy weather, but also gaining confidence to face your first storm at sea.
🎧8 Tips for the Night Watch
Lin Pardey provides eight tips for the on-watch passagemaker to ensure that all is well with the boat and the other crew stay well-rested.