Freezing foods in Ziplocs is a real space saver . . . until a bag pops open and you have a leak, spill or freezer burn. An easy way to avoid the problems!
How to Keep Berries Fresh on a Boat
Very easy way to extend the life of berries — it’s about doubled how long they last for me. All it takes is a little vinegar and a paper towel.
How to Store Celery
How to store celery for three weeks or more so it stays crisp and doesn’t rot. This method also works to store celery without refrigeration.
How Boxed Wine Can Take Less Space in a Boat Refrigerator
How to chill a large box of wine — equal to 4 or more bottles — without it taking up all the space in a small refrigerator.
Should You Divide Your Food Up When Storing It On a Boat?
Is it better to have one big container of things like flour and sugar or is it better to divide it into two or more containers?
A Great Way to Store Spices in a Tiny Boat Galley
A great way to store spices if you have a refrigerator on your boat — less wasted space and longer life for the spices.
Organizing a Top-Loading Boat Refrigerator Step by Step
Got a top-loading boat refrigerator? Get step-by-step instructions how to organize it perfectly for your needs, including lots of pictures.
Does Organizing Boat Lockers Waste Space?
Is it worth the empty space between bins (not to mention the space the containers themselves take up) to organize the galley when you’ve got so little space to begin with?
How to Store Box Mixes on a Boat
Learn the best way to store box mixes on a boat to keep them safe from bugs, humidity, heat and motion. Make sure your box mixes will be good to use.
14 Simple Steps to Organizing a Boat Galley on a Charter
Whether you’re chartering or just spending a weekend on the boat, spending a little time organizing your food will pay big benefits when it comes time to cook!