Another good choice for plastic storage containers, particularly if you’re not crossing oceans and don’t need the added protection that locking lids give.
Tips for Storing Eggs without Refrigeration on a Boat
Many people who store eggs outside the refrigerator slip the cartons each day. And easy way to know if you or you partner has alerady done it today.
How to Make Sure You Use the Oldest Supplies First on a Boat
When you bring provisions on board, do you just stuff them in anywhere? Learn how to do it to ensure that you’ll use the oldest first!
Buying and Storing Dried Fruits on a Boat
Eleven tips for buying dried fruit at a farmer’s market or roadside stand, instead of commercial packages.
Food Storage Containers for Boats
Food storage containers are the cornerstone to safely stowing your provisions. Here’s what I look for and my recommendations.
A Better Hanging Fruit Basket for Boats
Make your own hanging fruit basket that solves three big problems with the wire ones! Easy and inexpensive, too.
Stowage & Safety on Boats
One key safety tip in planning your food stowage . . . don’t get burned!
Sealing Bags for Boat Life
Chip clips just don’t do a great job of sealing bags in the humidity aboard a boat. These bags seals are a snap to use and really do form an airtight seal!
Storing Bread on a Boat
How to store bread on your boat? You don’t want to take up too much space, but you don’t want it squished or moldy — here are three ideas!
How to Bone a Chicken Breast (Video)
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts take up less space in the refrigerator. If you can’t buy them, it’s easy to bone your own with this step by step video.