Little flashlights are good, but sometimes you just need more light — but without a huge power draw. These will do it!
Boat Cockpit Light or Night Light
Whether it’s for a romantic evening in the cockpit or a middle-of-the-night trip to the head, sometimes all you want is a little bit of light. Here’s a great solution with no drain on the boat’s power supply, no fire hazard and no heat in the cabin!
Are Solar Ovens Good on Boats?
Curious about solar ovens? Learn more about them — what can you cook in one, where are they best, what brands do people prefer and more!
Port Visors for Boats
It’s bad enough if it’s raining when you want to be out having fun. But having to close all the portholes on a hot, humid day makes it just that much worse. Here’s an easy way to keep those ports open!
Gamma Seal Lids are Great on Boats
Need a large air- and watertight storage container? Keep dog food, cat litter, spare baking supplies and more in heavy-duty buckets and storage bins, yet easily accessible with Gamma Lids.
Using Govino Unbreakable Wine Glasses on a Boat
The GoVino wine glasses have their good points and bad points. Are they right for you?
Great Flashlights for Boat Life
Flashlights are critical gear on boats for finding what’s in the back corner of the locker, checking where that strange noise is coming from and so much more. We went through a bunch before finding ones that just worked!
Can You Have A Microwave on the Boat?
Three things to consider in deciding whether to put a microwave on your boat . . . and every boat will put different weights on them.
How to Make Great Coffee on a Boat: Aeropress Coffee Maker
No electricity needed, no glass and great coffee — what could be better for mornings on the boat?
Vino2Go — a sippy cup for wine that’s great on a boat
Combining a sippy cup with an unbreakable wine glass, Vino2Go is another great wine glass option for boaters!