Choosing your cooking tools with an eye to what you really need . . .
How To Organize First Aid Supplies on a Boat
An easy way to organize your first aid supplies so it’ll be easy to find what you need when the time arises, and a list of what’s in ours.
Important Document Backup When Living on a Boat
It’s important to keep a copy of your important documents in a place that’s physically separate from the original AND where you can easily get them. Here’s an easy and FREE way to do it!
Storing Medications When Living on a Boat
Hot and humid conditions can make medications melt . . . here’s a reader tip on a great way to store those expensive and important stores!
More Ways to Store Glasses on a Boat
If you’ve got a shallow storage locker, here’s an easy way to turn it into secure storage for glassware . . . or maybe wine bottles?
Does Organizing Boat Lockers Waste Space?
Is it worth the empty space between bins (not to mention the space the containers themselves take up) to organize the galley when you’ve got so little space to begin with?
More Storage Improvements for Boat Lockers
Boats seem to be built with more hanging lockers than most of us need, and fewer shelved lockers. There are no rules that say you can’t change hanging to shelved!!
Improve the Storage Space on Your Boat
Got an under-utilized hanging locker that’s just not organized? Here’s how we improved ours!
Storing Glasses & Bottles on a Boat
How to store wine or liquor bottles and glasses — or any other glass bottles — on a boat? Here’s a quick project that’ll keep them safe!
You CAN Take Your Recipes on Your Boat
Want all your family’s favorite recipes at hand on the boat? There’s lots of ways to take them!