Cruisers helping each other is one of the unwritten rules of living on a boat. You get out of this life what you put into it.
Saying Yes
Going outside your comfort zone is scary. But it can be so rewarding . . . read more about how I’ve learned to say YES
Learn to be More Adventurous for Life on a Boat
You can learn to be more adventurous! How to be willing to take chances and say yes to new adventures. Being injured isn’t the biggest risk!
Love with a Chance of Drowning
The true story of what happens when you go outside your comfort zone. WAY outside.
New to Your Boat and Overwhelmed?
Beginning cruising can be overwhelming — there are so many things to figure out. Where to start in figuring your new life out.
What I Needed to Know to Cruise
My Mom’s words convinced me I could go cruising, even if I didn’t know everything.
Beware the Experts When It Comes to Your Boat Life
Who’s really an expert on what’s right for your galley?