Save space and weight aboard with powdered milk for your baking and cooking — if you know where to get the good stuff, you’ll be surprised at how good it is!
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Build a Can Pantry for Your Boat
Got a shallow little compartment that’s not used for much? Build a can pantry that’s easy to access and easy to see immediately what you have!
Cleanability of Boat Gear
Considering how easy something is to clean before you buy it can save hours of labor — not to mention lots of water — later. I violated my own rule and paid for it!
Mexican Layered Dip
Looking for a “special” appetizer? Mexican Layered Dip is great when appetizers will stand in for a meal, such as an extended happy hour or while watching a sports event!
Barbecue Sauce
Can’t get BBQ sauce where you are? Or out? It’s easy to make your own!
Wind Scoops for Sailboats
A 4-way wind scoop will funnel even the tiniest bit of breeze down into your boat, whether you’re head to wind or not due to current or at a dock.
Boat Rail-Mounted Drink Holders
Keeping drinks nearby but without spilling is always tricky on a boat. These drink holders work well for cans, bottles or even coffee mugs!
Silicone Pan Lids – Quiet on a Boat
Missing a pan lid or just want ones that don’t clank? Silicone lids are the answer!
Make Your Own Taco Seasoning
Make your own taco seasoning: you control how spicy or mild it is, naturally low sodium and much cheaper than buying packets. And I prefer the flavor!
How to Bone a Chicken Breast (Video)
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts take up less space in the refrigerator. If you can’t buy them, it’s easy to bone your own with this step by step video.