Need a secure way to hold recipes . . . or instructions? Here’s a simple and virtually free way to do it — almost anywhere!
Storing Glasses & Bottles on a Boat
How to store wine or liquor bottles and glasses — or any other glass bottles — on a boat? Here’s a quick project that’ll keep them safe!
PVC Saw for Boat Projects
I’ve had to cut PVC for several galley projects and hated cutting it. Then I tried this saw. Four words say it all: HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER.
Anti-Seize – Boat DIY Tip
Instead of looking for better ways of getting parts un-frozen, why not just avoid the problem in the first place!
Simple Exhaust Fan for Boats
A simple exhaust fan can do a LOT to keep the galley cool, by removing cooking heat and steam. Here’s one that you can install in seconds — no holes in the boat and low power draw!
Build a Can Pantry for Your Boat
Got a shallow little compartment that’s not used for much? Build a can pantry that’s easy to access and easy to see immediately what you have!
Boat Rail-Mounted Drink Holders
Keeping drinks nearby but without spilling is always tricky on a boat. These drink holders work well for cans, bottles or even coffee mugs!
Best Boat Improvements
After 4 years of cruising aboard a 24-year-old Tayana 37, an analysis of the best boat improvements and upgrades we’ve done.
Installing a Track-Mounted Whisker Pole
Detailed directions and parts list for installing and using a track-mounted whisker pole on a cruising sailboat; originally published in Cruising World magazine.
How to Clean a Boat Bottom
How to recognize that the bottom of your boat is fouled with growth, and how best to clean it yourself. Learn from my mistakes!