Your refrigerator is running all the time but nothing is really cold. Is it time to call in the refrigerator repairman? Or is it something else?
Add Counter Space to Your Boat Galley
Two ideas for making your own removable counter top to go over the stove when it’s not in use — and both are fairly easy DIY projects!
Make a 4-Way Windscoop for Your Boat
Thought about making your own wind scoop but wondered where to get directions to make one of the better 4-way ones? Here’s the answer!
More Boat Refrigerator Insulation
Does the sun beat down on your refrigerator or ice box? Stop it from heating up all that nice cold air on the inside by putting Reflectix on the outside.
Check Your Boat Refrigerator Seals
Refrigerator (or ice box) seals help keep the cold air from seeping out the cracks around lids and doors. But are yours really doing the job?
More Ways to Store Glasses on a Boat
If you’ve got a shallow storage locker, here’s an easy way to turn it into secure storage for glassware . . . or maybe wine bottles?
DIY Removable Fiddles for Boat Tables
Removable fiddles on your galley table (or counters) make it much easier to clean . . . and easier to clean means less attractive to bugs and more attractive to people!
More Storage Improvements for Boat Lockers
Boats seem to be built with more hanging lockers than most of us need, and fewer shelved lockers. There are no rules that say you can’t change hanging to shelved!!
Improve the Storage Space on Your Boat
Got an under-utilized hanging locker that’s just not organized? Here’s how we improved ours!
Potato Masher = Bosun’s Chair??
Use your potato masher to retrieve a halyard up the mast instead of the bosun’s chair . . .