An exhaust fan in a wonderful thing in a galley (or head, for that matter). Most that you see are permanent thru-deck installations, such as the solar exhaust fans we used (in the picture at right — I obviously never planned to publish the photo).
While I used to “recommend” these as being better than a simple dorade, I also warned that they were a real pain to install and incapable of being installed so that they would be safe for offshore passages. They also cost about $150 each and we found that we had to replace them every 2 to 3 years.
I found something much better recently — cheaper, virtually no installation and totally removable in case of bad weather. Oh, yeah — they move more air, too.
Admittedly, these do require power — but only about 6 amp-hours per day (on low) IF you run it full time. It can be plugged into a cigarette lighter or hard-wired.
When I first saw one of these — on Jan’s boat (see her web site CommuterCruiser) — I thought it was just a computer fan and I know they move an “okay” amount of air, but nothing astounding. Then we were boiling pasta and I saw the steam coming from the pan and going straight up to the fan and presumably out the port (couldn’t see the steam once it hit the fan). Hmm, that’s NOT a computer fan!

These “Port Fans” come from svHotwire — a company owned and run by a couple of cruisers who still live aboard. On high speed, the fans will move about 4 times as much air as a computer fan. Depending on which way you turn it, it will either pull outside air in or — my favorite use for it — exhaust the galley or head. You can bungee it to a port or you could Velcro it into place — either way, it’s easily removed when the weather turns bad. And there’s no hole in the boat to leak!

These are good for places where you have just a small space to mount a fan — it’s about 5″ square versus an 8″ diameter for the Caframo fans — and less than half as deep. It’s quieter than the Caframo, too — although I wouldn’t call the Caframo fans noisy. The downside is that it’s about the same price as the Caframo and moves about half as much air — but it is rated to last about 8 years in continuous use and our experience with the Caframo is that they died after 5 years of “usually on” use.
By the way, if you ever Google for svHotwire, remember to include the “sv” at the beginning or else you’ll get the travel site!
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Mary Dixon says
I replaced our 2 dorades with mini solar vents. Get fresh air with no amp draw.
Mary Dixon says
Regarding the mini vents, I made covers for them when we are running a/c for long periods. Could also put covers on them if concerned about sea passages. Had them for 2 years and still running great.
Nita Knighton on Facebook says
we did this and it does work!
Candy Ann Williams on Facebook says
Sounds good.
Relinda Ted Broom on Facebook says
We have a couple of them. During really still hot nights we will use one to draw in air and the other to pull it out. Helps a lot.
Michelle says
I would love to feel how much air…the boat fans i have seen dont impress me..
But I do know your help will be saving me from getting things that dont work!!
cant wait to try these!!!
Carolyn Shearlock says
They are definitely better than the typical “computer” fan . . . but no, they don’t move as much as say the Caframos. But they’re great for lots of applications where the Caframos won’t work. And they exhaust a LOT better than those little solar fans we used.
Idarae says
S/V Hotwire ROCKS! Great people…great support! These little fans aren’t hurricanes but sufficient for the amount of power they consume & you can put them just about anywhere!
Janice Fleischmann says
We have two oscillating fans on board but they are too noisy. Are these fans fairly quiet ? Also, we have dealt with svHotwire and they are great. We purchased our wind generator from them.
Carolyn Goodlander on Facebook says
On Ganesh, I put one in the dorade vent in the forward head to exhaust the odors. Found 3 fans in a discarded computer in the dumpster!
The Boat Galley on Facebook says
Great idea to stick one in a dorade – never thought of trying that. And great job of dumpster diving! It’s sometimes funny what you can find.
Relinda Ted Broom on Facebook says
We use this in our aft cabin to help move air through. Quiet enough to sleep through.
John says
We are looking to replace a 4 in. Solar exhaust fan on a boat with one that operates on 12v. Do you know where we can find one. We have done a google search with no success.
Carolyn Shearlock says
This is no longer available on Amazon: Sunsei 4″ Solar Vent This is a similar product: https://amzn.to/2AlDwoH
We had a couple by the same manufacturer, and weren’t 100% impressed with them, although they did better than just the dorades. However, they would not be tough enough for offshore passages. You can read my Amazon review of them here (it’s discontinued but very similar to the one linked above so I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t have the same problems): http://www.amazon.com/70440-Solar-Stainless-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B0007KGWGY/?tag=theboagal0a-20
Libbie Ellis says
Our Deluxe Port Fans (with the bulkhead bracket) are not permanently mounted. You can easily remove the fan from the bracket and use it in many other places on the boat. The Deluxe version comes with the 2-speed switch, and 3 mounts: bracket for the bulkhead, bungee for the opening ports, and Velcro for wherever. The best use for the Velcro that we’ve found is up in the frame of your hatch. We mounted ours oriented like a ceiling fan. Doesn’t matter if the hatch is open or closed. Once you get that vertical column of moving air, it circulates all over the boat! Just be sure to let the Velcro cure for 24 hours before putting the weight of the fan on it! Otherwise, you may get an uncomfortable head lump!
We also make a basic version with no switch and no bracket mount.
Muzaffer Namoglu says
It can be done also with replacing the electricity with magnets for running without power…….
Muzaffer Namoglu says
Lupari Sue says
Does it make much noise?
The Boat Galley says
No, I barely hear it.
Lupari Sue says
Like the sound of that.
Rodney Lewis says
I’ve dismantled quite a few old computers. The 12v. ones are rare, but I always save them.
The Boat Galley says
The SVHotwire ones are definitely an improvement on computer fans, even though they look very similar.
Jennifer Dean Neumann says
I’ll have to check into this!
Lisa Robinson says
Sara Wood check out this neat idea;)
The Sea and Sailors says
Interesting and nice!
Lisa Orr says
Becky Croston says
I love the idea of using a bungee or strap to attach a lightweight fan! I found a12v fan that has a clip big-enough to clip to the ports. Works very well.
The Boat Galley says
They’re really not loud. Much quieter than most fans.
B. Charles Reynolds says
I really like those equipment cooling fans. They’re quiet, inexpensive and move lots of air. I’m building brackets to use them for bunk fans on the ship I’m working aboard, now.
Shirley Sinclair says
It is quiet and great for sleeping too.
Carolyn Goodlander says
Actually, you can take one out of a broken laptop computer for free.
The Boat Galley says
I’ve known a lot of people who have done that — particularly for adding a fan in the refrigerator. These surprise me as they move a lot more air than any of the laptop fans I’ve seen (wish I could put one in my laptop to keep it cooler, in fact!)
Edward Popka says
Seems like an excellent option
Luigi Tommaseo Ponzetta says
I know, shame as we have 4 in the loft in the uk
Ocean Going Cat says
You could try putting two or three side by side to achieve a greater air flow
Linda says
I see this article was updated June 2020 but I didn’t see an alternative for the Hotwire fan that is no longer available. What do you recommend for an extractor fan now?
WANITA Meed says
Yes, me too, please Carolyn, Read the article and was excited but can’t find a replacement in Canada.
Blaine says
This is still a “computer fan” (muffin fan). You can find these online on sites like Digikey, AC and DC versions. Look for a 5″ (124mm) fan with the highest CFM value.