Cooking on a boat just isn’t quite the same as cooking ashore. Listen in for tips and tricks to easily cope with some of the biggest differences.
Having Meals When Underway on a Boat
Thirteen tips for planning and preparing meals to eat underway on a boat — whether just out for the day or on a longer passage.
Safely Using an Alcohol Stove on a Boat
Got questions about using an alcohol stove (Origo) on a boat? Wondering about finding fuel and filling? Or safety? TBG readers share their experiences.
Is a Galley Strap a Good Idea in a Boat Galley?
Properly designed galley straps can keep a cook from being tossed across the boat in rough conditions. But poorly designed ones leave the cook exposed to burns!
How to Use Propane on a Boat
Propane 101: how to safely use a propane stove on a boat, including propane system safety features, how to light the stove and how long a tank will last.
Why Have a Fire Blanket on Your Boat
For many cooking fires, a fire blanket will do a better job of extinguishing it than a fire extinguisher, without the corrosive mess to clean up.
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher on a Boat
Learn how to use your fire extinguisher BEFORE you need it — it’s five minutes that could save your life some day!
Galley Features to Look For When Buying a Boat
Buying a boat? Three basic features to look for in any galley, regardless of size or where you’ll be cruising. Don’t get these essentials wrong!
First Aid Tips for Cooking on a Boat
Four quick first aid tips for cuts — that usually aren’t taught in any First Aid class!
Burn Protection in Your Boat’s Galley
If you tend to just wear a swim suit when cooking on your boat, here’s an easy way to prevent all those annoying little spatter burns!