We wasted a lot of time trying to find a serious problem, when the real problem only took five minutes to solve!
Easier Paint Scraping on Boats
This inexpensive tool made the scraping SO much easier without gouging the gel coat. And we’ve used it for lots of other projects as well.
Save Your Knees When Doing Boat Projects
OUCH! Kneeling for any length of time, especially on non-skid, is hard on the knees. How to make it easier to DIY.
Bag It & Tag It: The Rule for Boat Projects
When you’re doing a big project, it’s easy to lose parts or forget where they came from. Here’s how we organize it all.
Saving Paint Rollers & Brushes
The worst part of painting is cleaning up at the end of the day. You just want to be done with it! Here’s a quick tip to make it go MUCH faster.
When You Need an Extra Hand on a Boat Project
What do you do when you’re asked to hand tools, parts or hold a light just every so often? I mean, you’re working on something, too!
Surviving Dirty Nasty Boat Projects
Nine tips to help you survive even the nastiest boat projects. DIY-ing it isn’t always pretty but doesn’t have to be awful, either!
Shopping for Boat Parts in Foreign Countries
Don’t assume you’ll be able to pick out the right parts by sight!
Don’t Lose Parts When Working on a Boat
Don’t lose a critical part or tool down the drain — follow this one rule BEFORE doing anything else!
Know Your Boat Details
Want to know the details of your boat? Here’s how to have all the model numbers, sizes, when installed and more available at your fingertips.