These DIY tips for troubleshooting electrical problems will help you stay organized while looking for a repair.
Boat Renovation: Cleaning Teak
What’s the best technique for cleaning, literally, a boatload of horribly stained and dirty teak? Here’s what worked for me.
🎧A Great Tool for DIY Boat Scraping
Scraping a boat bottom is never fun–but one tool makes it easier. Here’s one we recommend for all DIYers.
What to Ask Before Hauling Out
Do you know the right questions to ask before hauling out? Here are a few to get you thinking. Picking the right boatyard is important.
🎧DIY Holiday Decor for your Boat
Need some holiday cheer on your boat? Here are DIY decor ideas from a world cruiser that anyone can make.
🎧Making Square Cuts in Stainless Tubing
If you need to make square stainless steel tubing cuts but don’t have a shop, what do you do? Here’s my best tips.
🎧Build Your Own Boat Garden
Fresh greens and herbs make a cruising menu even better. But how do you keep them on hand? Check out these DIY boat garden plans.
🎧How to Make Oil Changes Less Messy
Oil changes are crucial for keeping your boat engine running. Here are 3 tools that make the job less messy. And easier.
Patching Your Inflatable Dinghy
Patching your dinghy in the tropics is a challenge. Unless you use the right glue. Here’s my recommendation and a step-by-step how-to.
🎧How to DIY a Cheap Cockpit Enclosure for Your Boat
Planning to cruise in cold weather.?Then a cockpit enclosure is a must. But don’t spend thousands if you don’t have to. Here’s how to DIY a basic one for your cruising boat.