Both the Bahamas and the Sea of Cortez are popular first foreign destinations for US cruisers. We’ve had great times in both, but they’re very different!
How Much Does It Cost to Cruise?
How how much it will cost you to cruise on your boat? Use this guide to determine the factors that set your expenses and how to make a budget that works for you as long as you live on your boat.
Cruising with Kids
Can it really work to cruise with kids? Toddlers? Teens? What if we have a baby as we’re cruising? Generally, the kids and parents thrive!
🎧Operational Info
There’s so much to remember on a boat. All the settings, what’s what. We don’t even try to remember it all . . .
🎧How Much Water Per Day?
Do you know how much water you use per day on your boat? How much will you need for your trip?
🎧What’s a Day Like?
So what’s a day at anchor really like when you are cruising full time? Is it like a day of vacation or nothing but work? Don’t you get bored? Listen in —
🎧Geezer Cruising
Who says cruising is only for young retirees? Older folks — geezers — are out here too. How we make it work.
🎧Making Boat Cards
Boat cards are an easy way to exchange info with friends you meet along the way as you cruise. What to include and how to make them.
Taleisin’s Tales
New book by Lin Pardey — join them as they shake down the second boat they built — Taleisin — and then cruise her from California to New Zealand.
That Time I Wanted Off the Boat
I’d had it. I was overheated, exhausted, sick and nothing was working right. What do you do when cruising is going badly?