I love a dinghy drift. What a great way to meet other cruisers and enjoy the sunset. Listen in for a few things we’ve discovered over the years 😎
Sleep . . . or Lack Thereof
Not sleeping well is one of the biggest complaints that new cruisers have. It’s a big change on every level — new bed, new “home,” new noises and new worries. Some tips to ease the transition.
The Night Sky
Living on a boat and cruising certainly puts you in closer touch with nature. And one of the things I’ve come to love is watching the ever-changing night sky.
Don’t Lose Your Dinghy
Lost or stolen dinghies are heart-breaking, as they’re expensive to replace and your mobility is limited until you do. Tips to lessen the chances of the dinghy being stolen or floating free.
🎧Avoiding Trips from Hell
If you’ve had a horrible, awful, miserable trip I want to give you hope that future ones are almost certain to be better.
🎧What Does It Cost to Cruise?
Want to go cruising but wonder if you can really afford it? In this podcast, I discuss a number of factors that will affect the bottom line and talk about some common pitfalls in the budgeting process.
Creating and Leaving a Float Plan
A float plan is an important safety item for every boating trip. Learn more, including how to get around the apparent bug in saving the completed form.
How Do I Know If I’d Like Cruising?
The boats at anchor look so pretty. What would it be like to live on one? A dream or a nightmare? How to know if you’d like cruising and living on a boat.
In the Laundry Room
Laundry room etiquette is really just a matter of respecting other people’s time and laundry. The unwritten rules . . .
Bahamas – Sea of Cortez Comparison
Both the Bahamas and the Sea of Cortez are popular first foreign destinations for US cruisers. We’ve had great times in both, but they’re very different!