Here are my best composting toilet tips to help your switch a success. Avoid the steep learning curve by reading on.
Urine Digester
Urine Digester is a bio-enzymatic liquid that you add to the pee container for composting toilets. Better than vinegar for eliminating odors and deposits.
Where to Buy Gnatrol
Gnatrol is the best way to prevent fungus gnat infestations in composting toilets. How to use it and where to buy Gnatrol in small quantities.
What Can Go Wrong in Four Months?
Four months in the Bahamas, 1100 miles. We knew some things would break, it was just a question of what and whether we had the parts to fix it.
Our Experience with a Composting Toilet
The learning curve for our Nature’s Head composting toilet was steeper than expected, but we loved the unit.
Choosing Our Composting Toilet
Why did we (A) choose a composting toilet and (B) choose the Nature’s Head over others?
16 Things You Need to Know About Filling In a Thru-Hull
16 practical tips for filling in a thru-hull with fiberglass and epoxy. How to prepare the area, materials you need and how to clean up.
What’s the Limiting Factor for Your Boating Adventures?
Prioritizing boat projects is always tough. It seems our list is always in flux, as we realize what’s limiting us . . .