The boats at anchor look so pretty. What would it be like to live on one? A dream or a nightmare? How to know if you’d like cruising and living on a boat.
Search Results for: hurricane
Bahamas – Sea of Cortez Comparison
Both the Bahamas and the Sea of Cortez are popular first foreign destinations for US cruisers. We’ve had great times in both, but they’re very different!
Outland Hatch Covers, Part 2
More reasons why I love Outland Hatch Covers!
That Time I Wanted Off the Boat
I’d had it. I was overheated, exhausted, sick and nothing was working right. What do you do when cruising is going badly?
Cruising Eleuthera
What’s cruising Eleuthera like? Pink sand beaches, the Glass Window, fun events, friendly people along with great provisioning and services!
Anchor As If It Will Blow 50
If you always anchor your boat as if you know it’s going to blow 50, you won’t be surprised if it does.
How To Tie a Boat To a Mooring Ball
How to securely tie your boat to a mooring ball and avoid chafe. Includes regular tying up, the best line to use and extra security for storms.
Getting a New PFD
Good PFDs (personal floatation devices) and tethers are expensive high tech gear. How to choose and set up a new PFD.
Mantus Anchors
Why we chose a Mantus anchor as the primary anchor for Barefoot Gal. Some day, our lives — or at least our boat — may depend on our choice.
Cruisers Helping: You’re Never Alone
Cruisers helping each other is one of the unwritten rules of living on a boat. You get out of this life what you put into it.