If you’re living on a boat, weather is just as important when you’re at anchor, on a mooring or even at anchor as it is on passage. Another key for staying safe in your cruising.
Search Results for: hurricane
🎧 Cruising Comparison: Bahamas vs. Sea of Cortez
Comparing the cruising in two favorite destinations for US-based boaters — both are great first international destinations but very different.
🎧Holiday Meals (AGLCA Podcast Guest)
Having a hard time imagining what it would be like to have a holiday without family? Cooking in the galley? Listen in for info on how the holidays will still be very special ❤
The Keys Salt Scrub
Looking for an environmentally-friendly and wonderful body scrub? Have I got one for you — and it’s made right in the Florida Keys!
🎧 Dangerous Waters
Recovering from a hurricane? Watch out for what’s in the water — both seen and unseen. Don’t compound the tragedy.
Why Did Barefoot Gal Survive Irma?
How does one boat survive a Category 4 hurricane when most boats in the area don’t? There’s a certain amount of luck, but mostly it’s prep. Here’s how.
No Natz
No-see-ums, gnats and other biting bites making the reality not quite live up to the dream? I recently found an effective spray that’s mild on skin and not harmful to pets who may lick.
Favorite Weather Apps
Our three favorite weather forecasting apps (each deals with a different aspect) as well as the email forecast service we love for Florida and the Bahamas.
You CAN Do It
I get it. Trying something new can be intimidating. That’s true even after ten years of living aboard and cruising. But I’ve discovered that I can do a lot more than I think I can!
Better Window Covers
Big windows in a boat are wonderful for providing views but can really heat up the inside. Regular shades work most of the year, but better window shades can lower interior temps by 10°. Just 5 minutes and less than $20!