When someone goes up the mast, we think — logically — of their safety. But we also have to think about those on deck. Simple safety precautions.
Better Window Covers
Big windows in a boat are wonderful for providing views but can really heat up the inside. Regular shades work most of the year, but better window shades can lower interior temps by 10°. Just 5 minutes and less than $20!
Bottom Cleaning Tools
Planning to clean the bottom of your boat yourself? A complete list of the tools you need for bottom cleaning.
The Photo That Saved Us $120
We like having a photo record of our travels . . . but our camera is paying for itself, too. If you can find a part number, you may not be locked into buying a proprietary part!
Hiring a Diver to Clean Your Boat’s Bottom
Wondering how you’ll keep the bottom of your boat clean of growth as you cruise? Info and tips on hiring a dive service to do it for you.
Capt. Tolley’s Penetrating Sealant
Got hairline cracks and want a fast and easy way to stop them from leaking? Capt. Tolley’s is your answer.
Designing Boat Systems that Everyone Can Use
If you or your partner were incapicitated, could the other one do all the necessary chores on the boat? How we set our systems up and how it’s paying off.
Connecting GX2200 VHF/AIS to Garmin Chartplotter
How to connect a Standard Horizon GX2200 VHF with GPS and AIS receiver to a Garmin chartplotter. Wiring and device settings.
Raymarine Instrument Repair
Need a RayMarine/Raytheon or Autohelm instrument or autopilot repaired? Dan Gerhardt can repair many items that companies say can’t be fixed
Boat Maintenance: O-Rings
Why repair o-rings annually, even if they don’t appear to be cracked? Contaminated fuel and engine damage are only a few of the problems you’ll avoid.