Keeping your boat bug-free isn’t complicated. But it takes daily effort. Here’s what you need to do to avoid bug stowaways.
Boat Mess
Boat mess is part of working on a project in a small space. There just isn’t room to neatly move stuff aside. A look at what happens.
Best Sheets for Boats
Buying sheets for boats can be a nightmare. Here are our suggestions to make this chore easier. And to help you sleep well onboard.
Daily Checklist – A Boat Necessity
A daily checklist–it keeps you organized on a boat. And it’s a necessity if you don’t want unhappy surprises.
Charging Boat Batteries With a Portable Generator
Charging boat batteries with a portable generator? Here’s why we think it’s the best option on your cruising boat.
Washing Dishes in a Quart of Water
Washing dishes can take a lot of water on a boat. But my method helps me wash a day’s dishes in less than a quart of water.
How to Make More Room on Your Boat
Do you need to make more room on your boat? Here’s where to look for items to purge. And what to do with them.
How to Make Electricity When Your Boat is at Anchor
As long as you’re tied up at a marina, you have access to almost unlimited electricity. But how do you get the power you need at anchor? Pros and cons of 3 major ways of making electricity on a cruising boat at anchor.
Dealing with Mold and Mildew on a Boat
Cool nights and tropical days can lead to condensation followed by mold and mildew. What to do? Here’s how we manage it on our boat.
Chafe Gear for Boats
Good chafe gear can be the difference between your boat staying put or going for a ride. Learn what you need to know to protect your lines against chafe.