With limited battery storage on a boat, you need to keep track of what the products onboard draw in power. Here’s what you need to do to calculate your power needs.
Staying Cool On a Boat Without Air Conditioning
On a boat without air conditioning. These tools help keep us cool without burning up electricity.
Why You Need to Prep Before Leaving the Boat
What happens when you leave your boat without prepping it first? Here’s what we found when a medical issue had us off the boat for over 2 weeks!
UPS Stores & Amazon Hubs Are Great When You Live on a Boat
How do you ship (or receive) a package when cruising? How about getting paperwork notarized? Or copied? Amazon Hubs and UPS Stores are a cruiser’s friend. Here’s how you might use them when cruising the United States.
What Does a Boat Watcher Do?
If you have to leave your boat, do you have a boat watcher keeping an eye on it? Or are you watching someone else’s boat for them? Here’s what you need to know.
Monitoring Your Boat’s Batteries
What do you need to now about the info your battery monitor is telling you? Here’s the quick guide.
Declutter Your Boat – For Your Sanity
Clutter on your boat can make you crazy. Here are a few tips to make decluttering more manageable.
How Do We Get Internet on the Boat?
Can you get enough internet to work from a boat? Sure, I do. Here are a few tips on how we make it work.
Celebrating Holidays on a Boat
How do you celebrate holidays on a boat? It my not look like what you’re used to.
Get Rid of Single-Use Plastics
It’s important to give up single-use products whenever possible. And it’s gotten easier–thanks to these nifty products.