A thorough spring cleaning of the galley pays off with fewer bugs, rodents and funky smells. And lets you know of potential problem areas.
Why You Need to Prep Before Leaving the Boat
What happens when you leave your boat without prepping it first? Here’s what we found when a medical issue had us off the boat for over 2 weeks!
What Does a Boat Watcher Do?
If you have to leave your boat, do you have a boat watcher keeping an eye on it? Or are you watching someone else’s boat for them? Here’s what you need to know.
🎧Winter Cover for a Boat
How to make a winter boat cover. DIY project with all the details and links to materials.
🎧Leaving the Boat? Prep Your Galley!
If you leave your boat without prepping the galley, you could return to a huge mess. Here’s how to avoid the worst.
Hurricane Prep: Why Remove Jibs and Genoas
Why simply tying off your roller furling jib or genoa isn’t sufficient for a tropical storm or hurricane — pictures of the results.
Don’t Let Bugs in the Thru-Hulls
Keep bugs out of your boat with this easy, low-cost way to prevent ants, mud daubers, spiders, and cockroaches from entering thru-hulls when in a boatyard.
Remembering How You Left It
Storing your boat on the hard or on the dock? Use these tips to help you stay organized when you return.