Learn where to put your ditch bag on your boat so that you’ll be able to put it into the life raft if you ever need it. Important info!
Where to Store the Ditch Bag
Where and how to store your boat’s ditch bag so that you can grab it instantly, plus five tips so it’s ready for an emergency and will serve you well.
Choosing Your Emergency Contact
What to know in choosing your emergency contact for your EPIRB, float plan and medical emergency, including what information to give each one.
🎧Can You Buy Safety?
Every potential blue water voyager, every sailor who wants to go beyond the sight of land is faced with the need to evaluate which, use it only in emergency, gear they should carry.
Emergency Toilet: The Wag Bag
The toilet is clogged or the boat needs a pumpout . . . but you need to go. What do you do?
Staying in Touch
There just aren’t cell towers out on the water — or in many great cruising anchorages. So how do we stay connected with family and friends?
Necessary Dinghy Safety Gear
A list of 17 important pieces of dinghy safety gear to always have with you. Learn why you need each one of these aboard.
Cruising Boat Safety Gear: Water Intrusion
Four items to stop water intrusions from a broken thru-hull or hole in the hull that every boater should carry in case of an emergency.
Is Your Lifesling Ready For Use? Are you SURE?
Someday, your life or the life of someone you love may depend on a Lifesling. How to make sure it will deply correctly.
The Ditch Bag
Detailed list of gear for a coastal cruising ditch bag, including reasons for every item and links to buy and/or learn more.