Checklist of the critical documents and six other items that you need if you intend to take your boat to the Bahamas. Be ready to go!
Emergency Info
Emergency info has to be available even to guests. Here’s a cheap and easy suggestion that might even save your boat.
Always Do This Pre-Departure Check
One pre-departure check can make the difference between a nice sail and an aborted trip. You need to make it part of your routine.
New Boat Checklist
Ten documents, legally-required gear and arrangements you must have when you buy a boat. Checklist with exactly how to get each one.
Outboard Won’t Start 101
15 simple things to check if the outboard won’t start — along with how to fix them at least well enough to get home. No mechanical skills needed!
Hurricane Prep and Editable Checklist
A hurricane prep checklist for your boat will reduce stress if a storm is headed your way and can help get your hurricane plan approved. FREE download.
Creating and Leaving a Float Plan
A float plan is an important safety item for every boating trip. Learn more, including how to get around the apparent bug in saving the completed form.
Guide to Boat Navigation Markers
How do you know what all those markers mean? Keep this downloadable PDF next to the helm and you’ll be able to quickly find anything!
Coast Guard Regulations for Boaters
Know the regulations and make sure you’re in compliance. Be sure to check state regs, too!
Know Your Boat Details
Want to know the details of your boat? Here’s how to have all the model numbers, sizes, when installed and more available at your fingertips.