Living in the boatyard during projects? You’ll need these tips for cooking and life to stay comfortable. And safe.
🎧How to Be Ready for Head Failures
Boat heads eventually need repairs. Do you know what you’ll use for a toilet when yours fails?
🎧Life on the Hard
Explaining the ins and outs of how to live on a boat when it’s not in the water, courtesy of questions posed by my dad.
Hauling Out
We had to haul the boat out to do a series of routine (but important) jobs on the boat. Here’s what you may have to look at before setting off cruising.
🎧Keep Bugs Out While Working On The Boat
Bugs can make a mess of your boat while you’re working on it. Here’s how to keep them from getting into your thru-hulls.
🎧Haul Out Your Boat Without Stress
boat needs work that can only be done out of the water. Here’s how to haul out without stress
🎧 Living Aboard Through Filthy Projects
Nine tips for surviving dirty nasty boat projects — DIY is a great way to improve your boat, but can also take a toll. Make it easier!
Don’t Let Bugs in the Thru-Hulls
Keep bugs out of your boat with this easy, low-cost way to prevent ants, mud daubers, spiders, and cockroaches from entering thru-hulls when in a boatyard.
Don’t Forget the Shower When Deciding on a Boatyard
Yeah, the shower room IS one of the things we check out when evaluating different boat yards.
Surviving Dirty Nasty Boat Projects
Nine tips to help you survive even the nastiest boat projects. DIY-ing it isn’t always pretty but doesn’t have to be awful, either!