Wondering how to store food on a boat? Let’s start with the goals (read my article). Then, you need 8 supplies to store food on a boat effectively.
1. Plastic bags. Heavy-duty resealable plastic bags are indispensable for food storage. I tried to always have a substantial stock of 1-quart, 1-gallon and 2-gallon Ziploc freezer bags on hand. While the zipper style bags are convenient, I’ve had more problems with them leaking than with the traditional “press together” style.
The heavy-duty freezer bags can be hard to find once you’re out of the US (particularly in the larger sizes), so I try to re-use as many as possible although I never re-use ones that had meat in them for fear of contamination. I also took bags back from the US several times. You can often buy them in quantity at Costco, Sam’s Club or on Amazon at much cheaper prices than at your local grocery store.
2. Permanent felt markers. I like the Sharpie fine point felt pens for marking on Ziploc bags and on the top of canned goods. Don’t use markers that aren’t permanent — the ink will run if it comes in contact with any little bit of water!
3. Plastic bins. Use plastic bins to organize lockers and the refrigerator. The sizes you need will vary depending on your lockers, but you need solid ones for things that would be messy if they broke, and ventilated ones for items that need airflow. I really like the Sterilite ventilated baskets like the one shown here — they come in a variety of sizes, are very tough, are easy to clean and they have solid bottoms so that if anything spills, it’s contained. Sterilite also makes a set of nice solid bins — in lockers, I don’t use the lids and so don’t bother to pay extra for latching lids. I do have a few boxes where lids are important, and for those I pay for ones with latching lids. Both kinds of Sterilite bins are available at Wal-mart as well as at Amazon.
I also use a few milk crates but really don’t like them as well as they don’t have solid bottoms. And for some odd-sized places, I used things like small plastic waste baskets (good in a deep refrigerator for storing drink cans — cut some holes in the sides for air flow) and plastic juice bottles with the tops cut off (good for organizing a top loading locker with lots of small packets).
4. Gear hammocks. Gear hammocks are wonderful for storing “fragile” items like chips, eggs and produce, and they also make use of space that is otherwise empty. I had four of them aboard Que Tal, along the ceiling in the saloon. Just don’t store anything really heavy in them . . . and don’t hang them next to a wall if you have anything fragile in them — the hammock will hit the wall with the motion of the boat and suddenly your bag of potato chips will be a bag of crumbs.
5. Plastic food storage containers. You’ll use plastic lidded containers not just for leftovers and putting things in the refrigerator, but for storing lots of dried goods to protect them from moisture and bugs. When we left to go cruising, I bought a big box of cheap storage containers and soon found that they were no bargain — the lids popped off and the containers themselves cracked with the motion of the boat. I had pasta salad all over the bottom of the refrigerator and sugar all over the bottom of a locker. I spent a lot of time cleaning up and wasted a lot of food.
I like locking lid containers and ones that are VERY hard to pull open, and I try to buy ones that are square with vertical sides — round ones waste a lot of space when you try to put several in one locker. I don’t like to get ones that have an “air vent” to let air out — I’ve had problems with these leaking.
There are several good brands, and you can buy sets that have a variety of sizes which cost a lot less than buying individual pieces. I found that I used a bunch of “canister size” containers for sugar, flour, pasta, rice and other dried goods — far more than I had in a home kitchen. My favorites:
- Rubbermaid Lock-Its
- Lock & Lock (these are the “squarest” and make the best use of space)
- Rubbermaid Produce Saver (for produce in the refrigerator)
Wal-mart also carries inexpensive half-gallon and gallon clear plastic square canisters with screw-on tops. I used 6 of these — they’re not totally airtight like some of the others, but they fit the space I had.
6. Non-slip shelf paper. I lined all my lockers (both shelved and top loading) and drawers with non-slip shelf paper to keep cans, utensils and other items from sliding around as the boat moved. Not only does it keep the noise down, it also prevents wearing holes in cans and plastic containers as well as dents.
7. Cushioning materials. I used paper towels, bubble wrap and pieces of fleece to pad fragile foods and also to take up space and keep things from sliding. Take along a package of cheap tube socks to pad bottles.
8. Critter deterrents. You’ll need a number of different things to deter weevils, cockroaches, ants and other critters:
- Bay leaves to put in flour and mixes containing flour to prevent weevils
- Cloves (whole, ground or oil) to prevent ants — in every locker
- Ant traps in every locker
- Cockroach traps in every locker
I don’t like to use ant and roach sprays both because of the possibility of overspray getting on food preparation surfaces and because we have a small dog and I didn’t want to spray it anywhere that she might go.
When we first moved aboard Que Tal, I was surprised by how much I needed of all these supplies. I had bought what I thought were reasonable amounts and quickly ran out. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself needing more than you originally thought — but having a good food storage system will really pay off in the long run.
Read Next
Simplify meal prep on board with proven strategies for provisioning, maximizing fridge space, and cooking delicious meals aboard your boat.

Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Danielle says
Hi Carolyn! I have a question: In your opinion, would it be better to use the 38-cup or 21-cup Lock&Lock containers? We will pretty much be storing dry foods like flour, rice, etc. in them. I know it is important to have somewhat smaller containers to avoid the spread of contamination, yet I fear I may be a bit overly paranoid. Thanks for your help!
Carolyn Shearlock says
I’d say it depends more on the size of the lockers you’re going to put them in and how they’ll fit there, along with ease in getting them in and out. On Que Tal, my lockers were nicely sized for 21-cup containers — I could stack them together very efficiently — so that’s what I used. The 32-cup ones just wouldn’t have fit well. So it wasn’t really the fear of contamination, but what fit.
Five pounds of flour is just under 19 cups, so the 38-cup containers will hold 10 pounds (or an equivalent volume of other dry items), which makes it a little easier to visualize how big they’ll be — and how heavy if they’re in a hard-to-reach location. The 21-cup ones will hold 5 pounds, plus a little extra.
My philosophy is for staples (flour, sugar, rice, pasta) to have my stock divided between at least two containers so that if something happens to one, I’ve still got some left. And that gets down to what type of cruising you’re doing (crossing an ocean or out for a weekend?) and how big your boat is, in addition to how much of something you want to be able to carry. For example, if you don’t eat rice very often, you may only want to have three or four pounds on board — and at two cups per pound, you could get by with just two 1-quart containers for it. But if you eat rice frequently — say you use two pounds a week and figure it’ll be a couple of months before you’re likely to be able to buy more — you might want close to 20 pounds on board, which would necessitate far larger containers — or more of them.
Sorry this is sort of a wishy-washy answer, but I guess the bottom line is that what size I’d use depends on the space available, although I wouldn’t want one container to hold my entire stock of any of my staples.
Be sure to put a few bay leaves in each container with dry goods to keep weevils away — and a clove or two in the lockers to discourage ants!
Danielle says
No, that’s not a wishy-washy answer at all! I like that rule of thumb–to divide the stock in at least two different containers. Shenanigans, our 35-foot Cal, has quite a lot of storage space.
We are hoping to leave from the Channel Islands in CA to Hawaii May 1st of this year, then up to the San Juan Islands in Washington, and back down the coast to return home around early August. So I guess you can say it’s a bit of a jump, and one to be well prepared for!
Thanks again Carolyn, you rock 🙂
Susan Parker says
I found your site through a post in the Cruiser’s Forum and have become a fan.
For storage, I prefer Snapware. It comes in various sizes and shapes. It opens/closes with one snap.
Megan says
I was wondering if anyone has used the OXO Good Grips Containers and how they compare to say the Lock and Lock. I have loved the lock and lock for years so I was happy to see that you recommend them.
Paul says
It’s been a while since anyone’s posted on this thread, but here are a couple of ideas:
1) We find a vacuum bag machine indispensable. Meat keeps a lot longer when vacuumed and frozen or refrigerated. You can also pack a lot more in than with small containers since you’re not constrained by the sides. They’re not power hungry and the bags are pretty easy to get.
2) We also have some vacuum containers that can be evacuated either by machine or a hand pump. We find stuff keeps longer (e.g. raw rice), and you can put liquids in them to put in the fridge, also keeping longer than in standard containers,
3) We find silicon mats to be much better than paper to line shelves & lockers. They’re naturally non-slip, can be cleaned, and last longer. They are more expensive, but we think it pays for itself with length of use.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Hi Paul!
I’ve written some about using a vacuum sealer (I loved mine, unfortunately it’s not made any more): https://theboatgalley.com/vacuum-sealers/
And thanks for the idea of using silicone mats instead of the “waffle weave” non-slip shelf paper.
Shelly Young says
Buying the same brand of containers makes sense if they are stackable, makes for more efficient use of space.
Jim Allen says
I was looking at one of those vacuum sealers for food to help make food last longer. Your thoughts??
The Boat Galley says
Jim — I had one and loved it. Here’s the post I wrote about them: https://theboatgalley.com/vacuum-sealers/
Krow Fischer says
We have one for home and one for the boat. Would prefer to use less plastic, though it is handy.
Ginny says
I am a fan of good old fashion Tupperware. They have a line that is specifically for produce and it is sqaure or rectangle and it stacks perfectly in my refrigerator on Jabiroo II, our IP 35. As Carolyn said, steer away from round bowls, they take up too much room and don’t sit still in the fridge.
Thanks for all the good words of wisdom Carolyn!
Deb Jansma says
What are some of the recommendations on storing spices? I cannot find a decent spice rack system that I can mount somewhere handy, like on the inside of a galley door, and I don’t want to use precious drawer room.
Donna says
Try Ikea and Pinterest!
Great idea using their inexpensive wood racks for storing in Galley, Head, etc.
The Boat Galley says
Thanks! Glad you find it helpful!
Angie Tomasetti Barrile says
Great tips!!
Cathy Lunn says
do the gear hammocks come with attachments on the end so they have something to stick to
Carolyn Shearlock says
They have loops that you can hang on a hook or around a handhold — or I’ve used a short bit of line to tie them to something.
Gwendolyn Webster says
Hi, Carolyn!
I use Tupperware for storage and now use Dry Top and their clips for inside each container. When we go offshore for a month or two, I found I really missed my dry cereal. Now with the Dry Tops inside the container, the Post Whole Wheat biscuits stay nice and crisp until I finish them. Thank you so much for the ideas! We purchased several for each boat on both coasts.
We also use the hammocks for potatoes, onions, yams and apples handing underneath the bunk beds.
Dave Skolnick says
If you really sail your boat the gear hammocks don’t have to hit the bulkheads to turn oranges into juice and apples into sauce. Great for clothes, cans, even boxes. Not good for anything even remotely fragile.
Pamela Harwood says
I swear by the Rubbermaid Produce Savers here on the dirt, and am glad to know they continue to work well aboard Barefoot Gal. I am currently stocking up on the Lock & Lock containers for all the various 1 lb bags of different flours I cook with, now that I no longer eat grains. We also use a lot of mason jars with plastic screw-on lids — we keep them in old socks so they won’t rattle around or break.
Have to say that over the last 3+ years as our boat has undergone a complete rebuild of the hull, we have found more valuable info on TBG to help us to prepare for our next adventure. Thanks for EVERYTHING!
Betsy Ash says
I think the COMMAND HOOKS would work well for the Hammocks.
Carolyn Shearlock says
If you go that route, you have to be careful of the weight limits of the Command Hooks that you choose. They are typically designed for lightweight items.
ruth webster says
Swimming pool noodles, cut into short sections, are great for filling the empty spaces left by cans or jars you’ve removed from lockers. They keep things in place and silent. They don’t seem to ever wear out and can be washed if necessary.
Karen Haver says
I’m a little dismayed at all of the plastic, especially single use plastics in the post. Rather than ziplock bags, I usually favor the new silicone bags (though ziplocks are definitely on board and used occasionally).
This site has a lot of more sustainable solutions for food storage https://mightynest.com/shop/kitchen/food-storage, you can also find similar items on amazon if you know what you are shopping for.
Karen Haver says
I should also share that prior to our first passage/big trip, I made or partially made a lot of meals and either refrigerated or froze them in silicone bags and the bags performed great. Though I thought about reheating by boiling in the bag (great way to save water on cleaning and you can boil in sea water) I decided my bags were too full and I’d end up making a mess and spilling boiling soup on myself. I used these bags: https://amzn.to/2XH34VA.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks! My Ziplocs all get reused, often 6 to 8 times. Glad to hear that the silicone bags are working well for you, as I want to try them out when we get back to the US.
Monica says
Do you use repurposed glass jars for storage and if so how do they go on board? In our land based lives we save our glass peanut butter jars (washed obviously) to use at the bulk store as spice, legumes and other random things containers. Would this be a bad idea on board?
Carolyn Shearlock says
You can have glass on a boat. Put the jars in old tube socks and for extra protection you can build storage out of PVC — see how.
Monica says
Does anyone currently living on a boat mange to store food well without all the plastic mentioned above? I know it’s not single use so it’s better but I’ve worked very hard to cut nearly all the avoidable plastic out of our land lives and I’d hate to have to revert when we’re finally living in the beautiful places we want to keep plastic out of (like pristine reefs and atolls). How do glass containers go on board instead of the plastic ones mentioned? Good idea (it’s what we use on land) or bad idea with lots of breakage in the future? Also what about properly reuseable and washable silicone freezer bags? I’ve got a set of those arriving shortly that I think might be good on the future boat.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Don’t use glass for things you’re likely to handle with wet hands — it’s likely to slip out of your hands and break. I have a lot of reservations about plastic and yet it works so well on the boat. I try to buy items made from recycled plastic.
Fran says
We ve lived outside the states for over thirty years and rarely go back. So I m over tupperware.Impossible to find dealers to replace parts and you will need parts. I find putting things in smaller jars is best. They store easier and if something spoils one jar it doesn t spoil the whole lot. For years I ve use the big peaut butter jars from Costco. For flour, sugar rice ect.They ve got a wide opening. Good for getting things out and easy to clean. Of course a bay leaf goes into every jar. Also I use to work in resturants so would get their big catering size ( plastic) containers. They had a wide mouth so again easy to get things out and easy to clean.Also I date open food with a Sharpie.I Usually toss after 5 days.Thats what they do in resturants. Theres never doubt if you ve dated it.Also I roll up my tea towels in ziplocks and put them in galley cupboards to keep things from rolling around. A good place to store your tea towels.Fran McLaughlin s/v “AKA”.currently loving being in Opua New Zealand.