Bright clothing = less chance of being hit while having fun!
Bad Weather on a Boat? Put on Your Shoes
As you’re prepping your boat for a thunderstorm or squall, take a minute to prepare yourself as well.
3 Lessons from a Boat Fire
Every boater’s worst nightmare: waking up to find your boat in flames. Three lessons from a near tragedy.
Seasick . . .
I’d never really suffered from seasickness until a trip with friends a few years ago. And I learned a few things.
Have a Fire Drill on Your Boat
You practice other things on the boat — docking, MOB, heavy weather tactics — so why not have a fire drill (or two) and make sure everyone knows what to do? And when to just leave?
Super Digest-It Safe Drain Opener for Boats
If you’ve got a clogged drain that the simple remedies — boiling water, vinegar, baking soda, plungers and so on — just won’t budge, you might try this. Chris and Melody on Vacilando found it by chance and swear it works — and isn’t nasty for the environment!
Boat Dogs & Separation Anxiety
Got a dog who hates being left alone on the boat? That was Cathy’s problem. I asked for tips on TBG’s Facebook page and got lots of good suggestions.
Why Have a Fire Blanket on Your Boat
For many cooking fires, a fire blanket will do a better job of extinguishing it than a fire extinguisher, without the corrosive mess to clean up.
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher on a Boat
Learn how to use your fire extinguisher BEFORE you need it — it’s five minutes that could save your life some day!
Boat Problems Don’t Cure Themselves
Problems on a boat don’t cure themselves. Left to their own devices, they get worse. Sometimes a lot worse. Our strategy for cutting down on the work.