If the wind dies on a passage, you don’t want to be caught short. Here’s how to manage your diesel to make sure you have what you need when you need it.
🎧 Passage Weather Stats
Weather is a huge challenge when passage making. Will you have too much wind? Not enough? Or will it be just right?
Boat Navigation Redundancy – Always Have a Backup
The best way to know where you are when underway is to have redundant navigations systems. Here’s what we suggest.
🎧Boat Passage Watch Schedule Considerations
Is there one best way to schedule watches when on a passage? Yep. It’s the one that’s best for you. Here are some cruiser’s favorite options for you to consider.
Check Your Boat’s Ditch Bag
It’s not enough to just create a ditch bag and forget about it. You need to make sure it’s still in good shape. And update it for your current cruising plans. Here’s how.
Get the Florida Quick Loop Reference for Your Boat
Doing the Great Loop? Or just exploring the mini loop of Florida? This handy guide has anchorages, info about bridge openings, locks, fuel pumps, and more to make your cruise a breeze!
🎧How to Use a MOB AIS/DSC Locator
A MOB locator with AIS can make recovering crew overboard much easier. Here’s how it works.
🎧Departure Planning: What and Why
A detailed look at how we used Fast Seas to pick the right weather for our recent trip north with 2 boats.
Lists, Lists, Lists
Even the most seasoned cruiser sometimes forgets stuff. How to avoid it? Checklists are the key. Here are two that might help you.
Cruiser’s Memory Tool – A Log Book
When you revisit a cruising destination, how do you remember the important details of an anchorage or inlet? A log book can help.