As long as you’re tied up at a marina, you have access to almost unlimited electricity. But how do you get the power you need at anchor? Pros and cons of 3 major ways of making electricity on a cruising boat at anchor.
🎧Holiday Traditions When Living on a Boat
Perhaps you miss family and friends during holidays on your cruising boat. But you can still have a joy-filled time by making your own traditions. Here are some of our favorites.
Make Cruising More Enjoyable – Here’s How
Cruising has its difficult moments. But if you have these things, it will be much more comfortable–and fun!
🎧One Cruiser’s First Year
What is the first year of cruising really like? Does spending lots of money on your boat mean everything will be easy? Here are answers from one cruiser.
🎧Three Tips for Rafting Up
Good practices to consider when sharing an anchor
How Do We Get Internet on the Boat?
Can you get enough internet to work from a boat? Sure, I do. Here are a few tips on how we make it work.
Working While Cruising
Investments and savings are great. But will it be enough? What you should know about working while cruising.
🎧 The Joys of a Library Card
Getting a second library card has been a revelation
🎧Other People’s Boats
Why sailing a big boat affirmed our love of small boats
🎧 Cruising vs Security – a False Choice?
One cruiser admits he finds the prospects scary at times. But here’s why he does it anyway.