Don’t rely on everyone remembering all the details of the day’s journey. Detailed notes at the helm will make the trip safer and less stressful.
Local Events
Attending — and participating in — local events is one of the more fun aspects of cruising and one that we really hadn’t anticipated!
Keep Cruising Fun
Make sure you keep cruising fun–for everyone! Here are a few things to think about to keep cruising enjoyable.
Home From the Bahamas
Thanks to Hurricane Dorian, getting home from the Bahamas meant sailing without an engine. Read one cruiser’s tale.
First Day in Mole St Nicolas, Haiti
Arriving in Haiti with a buddy boat–learn about the local friends made by one solo cruiser their first day in Mole St Nicolas.
🎧How to Keep Cruising Costs Manageable
Want to save money while cruising? We have a great resource that will give you a lot to think about.
🎧Cruising IS Real Life!
Yes, cruising is real life. Here’s a glimpse into a day in the life.
Road ID: ID for Boaters Too
If you were sick or injured while ashore, could you share the info first responders need to help you. Road ID can help.
The Choice of Happiness
An extended stay in West Palm Beach reminds one that adversity can contribute to happiness. You just need to make a choice.
8 Quick Tips for Hurricane Season
Remember these quick tips for hurricane season. They might save your boat–or your life. All you have to do is follow them.