Food & Cooking
Provisioning, Food Storage & Cooking
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Cooking on a boat is different—you’re using a smaller space, learning to provision for longer trips, and all of this with limited power and water. Just making coffee on a rolling boat can add challenges and frustration.
We understand it because we do it every day. Get all the helpful hints, product recommendations, and of course boat-friendly recipes to make galley life easy!

Cooking on a Boat
Cooking on a Boat
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Cooking on a boat is different from cooking ashore. There are smaller counters, storage spaces, stoves, and refrigerators. The water and power supplies are limited. You may not have a lot of provisions on hand and there's no grocery store around the corner.
Learn effective ways to meet the challenges and turn out delicious everyday meals without being a galley slave.

Provisioning for Cruising
on Your Boat
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How do you know how much food to take on the boat or even what foods travel well?
Tips to help you plan and provisions that have worked well on our boats.

Storing Food on a Boat
Storing Food on a Boat
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How do you store food in a hot, humid moving place with no obvious pantry?
Tips for storing just about every type of food, with or without a refrigerator.

Galley Gear
Galley Gear
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What to consider when buying galley gear as well as product reviews and recommendations. Get items that are wonderful to use and last years!

Omnia Stove Top Baking
Omnia Stove Top Baking
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Want baked goods but there's no oven on your boat? Did you know that you can bake using your stove burners? Yes, you can -- and it's easy.
The Omnia Stove Top Baking Oven is smaller, lighter and easier to use than other options -- and gives better results!

Buying & Using a Boat Refrigerator
Buying & Using a
Boat Refrigerator
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Boat refrigerators just aren't like "land" refrigerators. Smaller, oddly shaped and often with little to no freezer space or organization.
We'll help you make your fridge work for you -- whether it's front- or top-loading, and no matter how tiny!

Boat-Friendly Recipes
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Cooking on a boat is different, but boat-friendly recipes make great meals not just possible but easy.
Yeah. Real meals from easy-to-find and easy-to-store ingredients, that you can make without electrical appliances in a tiny kitchen!

Baking on a Boat
Baking on a Boat
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Baking on a cruising boat has challenges with a smaller oven, hot spots, no pans the size called for, and mixing by hand.
We've got the tips and tricks to manage it all with ease!

Using Canned Meat
Using Canned Meat
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Canned meat goes way beyond tuna sandwiches and provides lots of options, whether you're cruising without a refrigerator or trying to stretch the meals coming from a tiny one.
Tips for making great meals that no one will ever guess started with a can. Want recipes? See here.

Stay Safe in the Galley
Stay Safe in the Galley
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Stove burners, boiling water, sharp knives, rolling cans -- all these pose larger threats to your safety on a boat than ashore.
Things we've learned that help us avoid stupid injuries while cooking on a moving platform.

Coffee, Please!
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How are you going to make your morning coffee?
The boat's not staying still and glass can break, you need to conserve water, space is limited, you may not have electricity . . . YIKES!
Fear not, you can still have a great cup.

Making Bread
Making Bread . . . on a Boat, No Less!
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In many great cruising areas, it can be hard to buy bread. But it can be intimidating to make your own if you've never done it before. And doing so in a boat galley adds another layer of complexity.
Tips to make it easy, including a step-by-step how-to with plenty of pictures. Then check out our recipes.

Cooking Tips
Cooking Tips
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Everyday cooking tips and tricks that work just as well on a boat as on land.
Measuring without measuring spoons, rules of thumb, substitutions, storing produce without refrigeration, and so much more you wish you'd known long ago.

Meal Planning
Meal Planning
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Meal planning takes on new importance when there's no grocery store nearby.
Here you'll find a variety of ways to handle it on long trips, short trips and charters as well as boat-friendly meal ideas.

Fish & Seafood
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Catching, cooking and eating meals from the sea. For many, that's one of the allures of cruising. 
But what if you haven't cooked much seafood before? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

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Space is limited in the galley, so you can't have every spice you might want.
Our articles will help you decide which ones you need, and teach you how to store and use them on a boat. Also see the ingredients section of our recipes for making your own spice mixes.

Storing & Cooking
Meat on a Boat
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Tips and resources for storing and cooking meat on a boat -- or using canned meat if you don't have refrigeration.

Thermal Cooking
Thermal Cooking
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Thermal cooking is a great way to use less fuel, keep cooking heat to a minimum, and have time to do the other things you enjoy.
Learn more about "the cruiser's crock pot."

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We are quite positive that no one's dream of sailing off into the sunset includes washing dishes by hand while trying not to use too much water. But it has to be done.
The good news? We have tips and gear to make it much less of a chore.

Milk & Dairy
Milk, Dairy & Eggs
on a Boat
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A combination of a small refrigerator and distance from stores can make it tough to have much in the way of dairy products aboard . . . here's how to do it!
Be sure to check out our recipes for making yogurt, cheese, and sour cream from non-refrigerated ingredients.

Living on a Boat with No Refrigeration
Living on a Boat with
No Refrigeration
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No refrigeration on  your boat?
Don't despair -- with these tricks for storing food and a bit of info about meal planning and prep, you can eat well!

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