Dave needed to remove our watermaker pump so that he could rebuild it (basically, replace the seals).
As anyone who has ever tried to remove anything on a boat knows, one of the four bolts was seized. And that was the one that was impossible to get to. Of course.
Usually, a seized bolt will give way after letting some PB Blaster soak in for a while (we find PB Blaster to work a little better than Liquid Wrench). Dave sprayed and sprayed, even using a little straw thing to direct the spray, but he just couldn’t get the PB Blaster right to the nut in question.
Looking for anything that might help, he finally hit upon an ingenious solution: a syringe. We had several of these for squirting epoxy into some holes — and always have some in Paz’s bag as well, in case we need to give her some medicine.
Dave sprayed some of the PB Blaster into a small cup that he repurposed from the trash and then sucked it up into the syringe. Then he was able to use the syringe to squirt it right on the nut and the joint with the bolt. Fifteen minutes later, after it had time to soak in, he was able to get that last nut off.
Sometimes you can find needleless syringes at the hardware store or home improvement stores — once in a while you can find them in a pharmacy, too, but they tend to be much more expensive and some states require a prescription. Marine stores also usually carry them, also usually at significantly higher prices. I usually buy them on Amazon as they are much cheaper.
And if you haven’t tried PB Blaster, Â you should. We find it’s the best penetrating oil ever. You can get it at most automotive or home improvement stores. And Amazon sells it at a great price as an “add-on” item to a larger order!
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Joe Maneri says
You can buy wd40 with a flexible metal straw. It’s very cool! It would be better if it was on a can of pb blaster tho.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Yeah. WD40 doesn’t work nearly as well on seized stuff. We have one of the old little red straws from WD-40 that we use with PB-Blaster, or at least I should say we used to . . . until Dave discovered the syringe when the red straw wouldn’t reach (there wasn’t room for the can anywhere near where it needed to get to).
Vonnie Hummert says
Feed stores are a good and affordable source of syringes. Thanks for another good post, Carolyn!
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks for the tip!
Ted Broom says
PB was always the lead product for mechanics to use but as of late, mine recommended SeaFoam Deep Creep. I have been using if for a couple years now and find that it works better and doesn’t smell as “distinct” as does PB.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks! Hadn’t heard of it.
Ted Broom says
It can be found in most auto sections. WalMart carries it also. Well worth a try…
Pete says
Mix transmission fluid & acetone in equal proportions, use an old style pump oil can to apply. This sulution is much cheaper and works better the any of the commercial products including PB Blaster!
Ed Baker says
PB Blaster works most of the time, but I’ve found Aero Kroil by Kano Labs to be better. It is super slippery and works at the molecular level to release the bond.
Rosalind Franks says
That PB blaster is amazing!!
Chuck Weldele says
Bolt cutters are great too. Used them today on a few of the U-bolts that were seized while taking down the solar panels in preparation for Matthew. Didn’t want to take too much time since the winds were increasing.
Mike Keller says
I’ll second Kroil. Can be purchased as either an aerosol or non aerosol. I keep both around. With it I removed a 45 year old car suspension with zero effort. I’m restoring an older trawler that had salt water slung around the engine room due to a leaky prop shaft. The week before I am going to start on a project involving questionable bolts, I just hit it with the Kroil. I have not broken a single bolt or fitting. Magical stuff. Only headache, I’ve never seen it sold in stores. Have to buy it online.
Frank Kleinburg says
Great article.. Another often overlooked source for syringes is Vets, especially the ones who take care of farm animals.. From them you can often times get some really big one – enough to hold several ounces.. Of couse you don’t need the that big to loosen bolts, but you will find more and more uses.. Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.. flk k
Dawn Read says
Any feed supply store. Had lots of horses over the years, and I always got mine there, and for way cheaper.
Frank Kleinburg says
Had 9 horses at my high point.. Used to blog to the a old Mustang group Of which I was a member.. Learned quite a bit about training horses.. No not from Clinton, but from one of my mustangs.. I used to watch him as he taught a little foal we had.. Absolutely fasinating.. flk k
John Barltrop says
If you use a product like coppercoat, “never seize” or other proprietary marine grade product you are much less likely have a problem with corroded nuts and bolts
Carolyn Shearlock says
Yep, we do — I’ve written about Anti-Seize — but prior owners sure didn’t!
Chris Lewis says
Yes, PB, and Kriol, Deep Creep etc are great. One word of caution however, keep these oils away from rubber products such as transmission/engine seals. They will destroy these seals in fairly short order. A little over-spray can cause a really big headache.