In 2014, Heidi Husler Hackler posted the photo above on the Women Who Sail Facebook page, with the following note. Â She graciously allowed me to use her photo and story to “spread the message.”
In Heidi’s words:
Early yesterday morning we had a fire aboard our Passport 40 at the dock (electric radiator heater caused.) Luckily the smell of smoke from burning carpet and upholstery woke us up (please install a smoke detector if you don’t have one, we are very lucky to be alive!) And luckily Kirk was able to put the fire out w/ two fire extinguishers before the Seattle Fire Dept showed up 9 minutes after I called 911. Luckily we are insured and everything is repairable…
At this time, I don’t have any more details on the origin of the fire. Â Heidi plans to write up a post with more info, and when she does, I’ll add the link here. Â UPDATE:Â Heidi wrote up her story but and posted it but has now taken the blog down.
But for now, the three lessons:
- Fire extinguishers. Â Have plenty of fire extinguishers and know how to use them. Â At least one fire extinguisher should be located where you sleep. Â “Standard size” fire extinguishers only have about 20 seconds of “spray time” in them, so you may well need more than one to even get out safely, let alone actually put the fire out. Â Read more about using a fire extinguisher.
- Smoke detectors. Â Just like houses and apartments, boats need to have smoke detectors. Â How many you need and where you place them will depend on the size and configuration of the boat, but it’s a good idea to have one in the engine compartment(s) as well as in living areas. Â Catamarans and tris need them in each hull. Â Be sure to get battery-operated ones and not ones that plug in or are hardwired.
- Heaters. Almost any type of heater can be dangerous on a boat, but if you’re living aboard in a cold climate you may feel that you have to do something. Think carefully about leaving one on overnight and if you do, think about where it’s located and whether it could catch nearby items on fire.  Additionally, if you are using an electric heater or electric blanket, make sure that the wiring is up to the task — heaters pull a lot of amps!
In addition, a carbon monoxide detector is also a good thing to have (some smoke detectors also have a CO detector, such as this one on Amazon; you can get them at home improvement stores, big box stores and hardware stores, too). Â Be sure to change the battery annually!
Heidi’s experience also makes me think of two other things. Â First, if you are in a marina and have even what seems to be a minor fire, call 911 (or the local equivalent) and if possible, make an announcement on the VHF to both warn nearby boats and to get them to bring extra fire extinguishers. Â Fires can get out of control quickly and your fire extinguishers may not totally put it out. Â Get help on their way to you ASAP! Â If you’re lucky, you can just greet them and tell them it’s out; if not, they’ll be there all that much faster, lessening the risk of the fire spreading.
Second, take the time to think about what you should do in a fire (read more) and have fire drills (read more). Â They’re every bit as important as MOB drills!
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Lyndon Humber says
Another valuable thing to have is a fire blanket or two. They can be very helpful if there is a fire, and they don’t make nearly the mess that a fire extinguisher does.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Yep, I’ve written about fire blankets and how to use them:
John Huft says
Julie Dausman says
That is the third boat fire I’ve heard of in less than a year. Scary.
Chris says
We have also recommended 5 blasts on a horn (the international danger signal). When sounded in a marina, we have yet to see it fail to bring people on deck.
Cindy Pendleton Gass says
What a terrifying experience.
peggy at ECY says
Five blasts is what we say too.
Belinda Wolfe says
Why do you say battery operated smoke detectors and not hard wired? Our boat survey came back with the requirement that our smoke detectors be hard wired for insurance purposes. We don’t understand why they would require this and would rather stay with the battery units. Your thoughts might help our cause.
Carolyn Shearlock says
I say battery because most hard-wired smoke detectors (actually ALL I’ve ever seen) are made for AC. That means that you have to have an inverter on and that will waste power. On top of that, they won’t have power if you turn the inverter off, or it has a problem . . . or if you leave the boat and, like us, turn off everything except the bilge pumps. I’d much rather just have a 9-volt battery and KNOW it always had power!
Matt Beaudoin says
Domestic hard wired smoke detectors still use batteries as a backup. I agree with the extra drain on marine AC and the possible need to add or scale an inverter for them, but don’t be concerned that they won’t work with a loss of power (though you gain nearly nothing from the AC wiring in a boat). In a house it is to help with owners with an out of sight, out of mind tendency.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks Matt! Ones that were previously installed in a condo I had 20+ years ago didn’t have the battery backup — which was why I ended up with several “extra” smoke detectors since I still wanted to be protected if power went out — and I didn’t realize they had changed.
steve says
Fire blanket ! Please. They are available at west marine for less than a fire extinguiser and will control a kitchen fire in second without any cleaning you can continue cooking a minute later. For a heater trow it on the heater and turn off your breaker voila!
Roland Falkenstein says
Also had a boat fire in our marine this past weekend. Totally gutted the boat and was caused by the shore power connection on the boat was corroded! Check those plugs- I replaced mine 3 months ago.
The Boat Galley says
Thanks for sharing that tip!
Nelms Graham says
Please get rid of those old 1930’s construction technology plugs, adapted for marine shore plugs, ie. and replace with a “Smart Plug”. The Smart Plug has more surface area for less resistance and thus less heat and no twist lock, inducing looseness, which is the main contributor to overheating and fires. You can either purchase new cords or simply replace the ends with a kit.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Yes, while shore power connections were not the cause of the fire in this story, they are a major concern and the Smart Plug helps considerably.
Kimberly Wright says
Wow. Thank goodness they are ok
Rosemary MacLean says
Our shorepower cord melted at the plug, very scary but luckily we were home at the time. Install of installing it the same way we hard wired the cord in place! Problem solved.
Dave Skolnick (S/V Auspicious) says
We had a liveaboard customer lose his boat last month as the shore power cord of the neighboring boat overheated and that boat caught fire. The fire spread to my customer’s boat – both were a total loss. Watch those connectors – check every week in winter.
Ron Newton says
One of the scariest things for a boat owner. I liveaboard 9 months of the year and worry when I’am gone, the only thing I leave power to is the battery charger. I may stop doing that.
Chuck Reed says
Please be aware that the Dry Chem. Fire Extinguishers we all have will rust everything the powder lands on and it lands on everything. It is made from acids and it will eat through a Stainless Steel sink in less then 3 months if any powder is left on it. Unfortunately I learned that one from experience. Be sure to clean the whole boat after using one. First Alert has come out with a smoke alarm called the Atom. They are tiny little things and are not to noticeable but make lots of noise. We picked up a two pack at Costco for $30.00.
Sarah Finlayson says
Stuart Finlayson
Sailor Trash says
I’ve had it happen.
Marga I. Lopez Spanoz says
Scary situation but thank God everyone is ok. Thank you for the great advice
Barb France says
Also…keep your escape hatches clear and do not place your kayaks or skiff over them. We see this alot.
Claire McCloskey Ford says
Thank you!
Diana K Weigel says
Absolutely essential information
Allan Cobb says
Minutes matter in a fire. On a boat you have a very short window between containing a fire and getting out. When in doubt, drop the fire extinguisher and GET OUT!
Sheryl Rieck says
You can’t just sink it and put it out? ?
Katrina Greenwood says
Don’t forget baking soda by the stove!
Charlotte Caldwell says
We have a fire blanket in the galley
Project Manaia says
Worthy lessons for sure!
Angel Mercer Ganey says
One of my biggest fears on a boat.
Norvi Wood says
We have 2extinguishers but never thought about smoke detector thanks for the heads up !
Jennifer Swart says
older boats often have wiring that will not carry the load of space heaters without overheating
Jim Bob says
No smoke detector, no CO detector. We would have died. Twice in 19 yrs of living aboard. One time an electrical fire, smoldering wood and fumes from a hot wire set the alarm. Another time an 8 D battery bank gassed because of an overcharging and the CO and smoke went off. Don’t wake up dead get a $25 alarm. Your pets won’t wake you every time. Ours wakened when the alarm went off.
Cheryl Nelson Bourg says
Good info. Also, make sure your hatches aren’t blocked or covered…in case you need to get out from the bow area.
Cheryl Nelson Bourg says
Any thoughts on laptop batteries? Better to unplug when sleeping or not at home?
Deneen Taylor says
Martin & Angela McCarthy Henry have a similarly scary story.
Gena Olson says
We don’t leave our radio on when at a marina. 5 blasts on a horn best signal….
We have friends who had a fire at their votes connection. He had hard wired his 2 30 Amp connections to a 50 Amp converter. Not a good idea. Boat not a total loss, but major smoke damage and hull damage in the rear.