If you own a boat, you’re going to have to work on it in the boatyard at some point. But these tools make the work go a little bit easier.
🎧Painting the Bilge – An Easy Upgrade
Painting your bilge or lockers is an easy upgrade. Here are the 7 steps to help you get the best results.
🎧Build Your Own Boat Garden
Fresh greens and herbs make a cruising menu even better. But how do you keep them on hand? Check out these DIY boat garden plans.
🎧Reinstallation – The Order of Events
When you’re making repairs, it’s important to remember the steps for reinstalling items. Here are a few tips.
Customizing Pretty V-Berth Bedding
Get pretty v-berth bedding with some easy customizations. One cruiser shares how she did it. And you can too!
🎧How to Measure Your Anchor Rode
Setting a good anchor means you know how much to put out. Marking your rode is key. Here’s how to do it.
A Project Bag for Boat Work
How do you keep all the little pieces of a boat project in one place? Try a project bag. You won’t regret it.
Guide to Buying Solar Panels
When buying solar panels how do you decide? It comes down to a few factors that determine how much power you can get for what cost.
🎧Our Solar Upgrade Project
It was time to upgrade our solar capacity. Here’s how we planned and implemented our project. And now we have all the power we need.  
🎧Save Money on Boat Parts – Here’s How
With a good camera and a little research you might be able to save money on important boat parts. We did. Here’s how.