Periodically, I get questions about why I write The Boat Galley, how much time I spend on it and also how it is supported.
Why Do I Do This?
I was lucky enough to learn about cooking from scratch, with limited equipment, while camping, and so on from the time I was a very young girl — primarily from my mom. And my dad had worked his way through school as a butcher, so I picked up some of that from him.
I’ve always enjoyed writing and all my “real jobs” involved writing; prior to cruising, I also maintained web sites for a couple of sailing groups. While cruising, I started freelance writing for some of the cruising magazines. But that doesn’t really get to the heart of “why?”
- When we began cruising, there was so much that we didn’t know. Dave and I had extensive experience with one design centerboard dinghies, but knew next to nothing about the systems on a cruising boat . . . or about catching or preparing fish and other seafood . . . or dealing with everything in a foreign language. We learned as we went along, with an awful lot of help from other cruisers. Maybe I can’t directly repay them, but I can “pay it forward.”
- I had been frustrated so many times when buying gear for the galley as it was hard (impossible?) to find reviews on how products performed aboard a boat as opposed to in a “shore” kitchen. I wanted not just to publish my own experiences of what worked and what features were important to me, but to have a way for other cruisers or soon-to-be cruisers to ask questions and share their own information.
- For most of us, cooking aboard a boat is different from cooking ashore. Living on a boat is different. Maintaining a boat is different. So why not share tips on what works — and what doesn’t?
- When I write magazine articles, it’s just a one-way street with me saying what I think. There’s no feedback and no one else adding their two cents’ worth or disagreeing. The Boat Galley, where readers can leave comments, along with its Facebook page where there’s lots of discussion, offers so much more. To me, the sharing that goes on perfectly reflects the cruising community and is what I love about The Boat Galley.
How Much Time Do I Spend on The Boat Galley?
I typically spend 30 to 40 hours a week working on TBG — writing new articles, developing courses, answering questions, updating older articles and so on.
Dave is retired with a small pension, Social Security and Medicare. We have some savings. But the reality is that I need to be bringing in some money to make our finances work.
One option would be to get a job at a local business periodically as we cruise. That would significantly cut into my time writing The Boat Galley . . . which is what I love doing.
The other option is to spend my time working on The Boat Galley — and earn something for it. So that brings us to the last question . . .
Do I Actually Make Money? How?
Yes, I do make some money from The Boat Galley. Not huge amounts, but enough to keep me at it.
But, you’re saying, how do you earn anything from The Boat Galley? It’s totally free to read!
You’re right. The Boat Galley is free to read. I didn’t want to set it up as a members-only site where readers had to pay for a “subscription” or be asked to donate. I wanted every bit of information that’s here on the site to be free to read or print.
But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to earn. There are some ads on the newsletter and on the podcasts, I’m sure you’ve noticed. And I have some affiliate links. And yes, I sell my courses, cookbook and my Storing Food Without Refrigeration sold as a paperback or ebook. More recently, I’ve added a few people to the team and we’ve begun developing products for sale on Amazon and at The Boat Galley store— basically, things we wanted and couldn’t find, so created ourselves.
Affiliate links. A lot of people aren’t familiar with affiliate links, so I’ll explain them in a little more detail.
An “affiliate link” is a link to a product or company, where the company pays me a small commission when someone buys something after clicking on that link. There is NO extra cost to the purchaser. Several of the merchants whose products I link to have affiliate programs, but not all. I have no way of knowing who makes purchases.
Several years ago, I was invited to set up a “store” on Amazon — basically, this is a list of all my recommended products, sorted by category. This is another form of Amazon’s affiliate program and I do earn a small bit on purchases made through the store, again at no extra cost to you. You can see the store at
I want to be upfront about the fact that I do make some money through affiliate programs, but I also want to state that I don’t choose to write about a product or give it a favorable review just because I might earn something. In fact, there are lots of products that I could provide an affiliate link to, but don’t because I know you can find it cheaper at a big-box store and say so. And I’m not going to recommend a product that I don’t think is worth purchasing!
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that The Boat Galley is a labor of love, but yes, it’s a way for me to make some money. I love being part of the cruising community and passing on what I’ve learned as well as facilitating the exchange of information between so many people.
Thank you for giving me the chance to do what I love!

Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Tony on Facebook says
Thank you for writing The Boat Galley. I have learned a lot about cooking on a boat and also use the tips in our home. The tips and hints work everywhere.
Jodie on Facebook says
I love that you are giving your learning experience of dealing with all the challenges of cooking and provisioning on a boat. When we started cruising 14yrs ago there was very little out there to read and learn from. It was all trial and error.
Diane Dashevsky says
Keep up the good work girl!! This is a wonderful site and I send many fellow “galley wenches” here for all of your great hints and tips!
MaryJo Boyle says
Good job, Carolyn. I’ll support you as long as you continue TBG!
Michelle on Facebook says
I am voting for a ALL your helpful info book!!! thanks for all that you do!! you are wonderful!!!
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks to all of you and the sharing that everyone does!
Sami Bolton says
I could not find a place to write to you but wanted to share this while I was thinking about it. Sorry if it is out of place here…..
I think I commented about using rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle for cleaning and disinfecting……but I also stumbled across another use for it…..I spray a papertowel with it…just a small spray to barely wet, and line whatever veggie storage bag or container with it. I dont know why but it seems to help keep veggies much longer….especially soft ones like mushrooms. The papertowel soaks up extra moisture and the alcohol must kill bacteria which helps keep it fresher longer. Alcohol kills stuff as it dries……and, you dont have to worry about it like you do bleach. We are provisioning for the Bahamas now and Im going to try this with onions, potatos and garlic. I will let you know what I think after a few months.
Sami and Barry
m/v Deja vu
Claire Ford says
Sami, what are the results of your alcohol test?
Michelle says
I LOVE this site..
My go ALL to everything boating…… not just in the Galley!!!
Thanks so much for all that you do!!!
on Facebook says
I truly enjoy it — thanks to all for making it such a collaborative endeavor . . . and so much fun!
Waterwoman says
Thanks for explaining about affiliate links, when you recommend something I need, I will be more than happy to use the link. I buy stuff from Amazon anyway!
Look forward to any books you may write in the future. I’ve kept daily journals of our cruising life and thought someday I would make the attempt. Now that Dragon software is available, it might make it easier to accomplish.
Charlotte says
Thanks for the background information and from now I will always click on your amazonlink before I buy anything! No brainer. I love the Boat Gallery and have learnt a lot. And I am so glad that you are making a little money from it.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks to everyone! I’m embarrassed reading all these!
Cathy Orban on Facebook says
Carolyn, I want to thank you for generously sharing your expertise, I am in the process of outfitting my galley and have taken all of your recommendations (ordering through your Amazon links). I told my husband that you are my “Virtual Galley Guru”. It would have taken me years of trial and error to learn what you have shared, I am so grateful to you, Thank You! S/V Caterina III
The Boat Galley on Facebook says
Cathy — WOW! Just remember to keep your own preferences in mind, too! “Everyone” told me I needed oven mitts, so I bought them and put them on the boat. Now, I’ve NEVER used an oven mitt in my life, and didn’t on the boat either (yes, they might have saved a burn or two, but I just hate using them . . .). Thanks for the kind words and glad you’re finding TBG to be useful!
Danielle Redwine McDaniel on Facebook says
I really like your tips and tricks:D This is a great thing you have going. I am going to purchase your book in the coming months.
Mary Rose on Facebook says
I love reading the Boat Galley. It is a great work.
The Boat Galley on Facebook says
Thanks so much!
Wendy says
You have an amazing site, I recommend it to friends all the time.
Your informations is very valuable.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks so much Wendy!
Rose Alderson says
Once again I learn something. It’s so great to better understand “how something new woorks”. I will definately use your links….my only question would be, is there a central place to go to access all of your links to items you recommend on Amazon…say to do one big shop? I am kitting out our boat for a sail from BC canada to Australia in a years time…wondering about efficient ordering…it would be nice to see all the options quicker than reading through the 500+ articles.
S/V Aussie Rules, Catalina 34
Carolyn Shearlock says
Right now, I don’t have one big list . . . but I’ve had a couple of requests lately for one, so I’ll work on getting it together next week (right now I’m actually out on a boat — imagine that!!).
Rose Alderson says
Hey Carolyn,
Any luck with that list? I am wanting to buy through your site, but am wondering if amazon will ship through their Canadian website and still credit you or not. Any thoughts?
Cheers Rose
( just got back from a local regatta which I am happy to say we won in our fleet.!)
Carolyn Shearlock says
Congrats on winning your regatta!
I put a section in the sidebar with all the products I like on Amazon but the links are to the US Amazon. Your comment about being in Canada just gave me some thoughts about also doing it on a page with the links to US, Canada and UK. Hadn’t thought about that, and yet I know I have lots of Canadian readers. I forget that there’s a separate Amazon for each country.
Sami Bolton on Facebook says
you should make a lot of money!!!! Lots of hard work went into that book.
The Boat Galley on Facebook says
Don’t I wish! Labor of love 🙂
Simonne says
Thank you very much for all that hard work you put into writing TBG.
I’m almost addicted tot your site.
I live in the Netherlands and we don’t own a sail yacht anymore, but we now travel nine out of twelve months per year through Europa and Morocco in our motorhome.
We have plans to do this fulltime.
I learn a lot from your tips and I really love your cookbook!
Thanks again and keep up the goog work! 🙂
Simonne says
goog=good! 🙂
Lorraine says
My husband is the experienced sailor, but I just didn’t like his “bachelor” approach to our galley. Every time I wanted to change something, it would be an argument where I was the one with less experience. Then I found TBG, and learnt how thing should be done! So I went ahead and changed our set-up for the better, and now if he moans I tell him to read TBG 🙂 Love what you do, and many thanks!
Carolyn Shearlock says
Oh wow! Thanks for the compliment. 🙂
Ginny Teatro says
Thank you foe being here, I enjoy your articles and all the comments and feedback. Cheers
Deborah Ruths-Brown says
Thank you for sharing – I haven’t read everything yet, but find all quite helpful as I am brand-spanking new in a galley. Keep the articles/reviews/suggestions and most of all WORDS coming!
The Boat Galley says
Glad you find it helpful — hearing that makes my day!
Rita Atkinson says
This site is a Godsend to us, we are about to set off cruising (in a month) and at the moment, it all seems a bit much, I enjoy coming on here and have you answer some of my questions and ease my worries
Carolyn Shearlock says
You’ll do just fine. Have fun!
Arion McCartney says
Hi Carolyn,
My wife and I are about to join the live-aboard/ cruising lifestyle. We now live in SD, but are from the pacific north west. I have been a boater most of my life, but my wife was not.
A year ago I talked her into going for a week-long fishing trip on to Lake Oahe (part of the Missouri river that runs through SD). We spent the entire trip living aboard our 21′ Glasply hard top cuddy. On the way home she asked me if I really wanted to stay in SD. We have a nice home in the Black hills, with a great view (We are retired). Or would I like to have a different view every day. She had fallen in love with cruising and wanted to do the live-aboard thing. Our home is now up for sale. We are looking for a vessel in the PNW. When we found “The Boat Galley” it was more than we could have asked for, She now knows that she will have all the information that she will need to make this life-style work for her.
Thanks so very much for what you are doing.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Oh, you’re going to have so much fun — I’ve always wanted to cruise the PNW, we’ll do it someday. And so glad that you find the site helpful!
Becky says
We cruisers up here in the PNW need you to join us, so you can offer advice for our northern waters. Some are cruising for as long as five months at a time, moving through Canadian waters. It sure has it’s challenges!
Christine Dumaine Springfield says
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have gained so much from you!
The Boat Galley says
Paying it forward for everything others taught us!
Cheryl Bular says
Thank you for all your interesting articles. We’ve been live a boards for years and love your input. Again it was good to meet you at the boat show
Chris Link says
Thank you,wonderful tips shared
Michelle Pirzenthal says
I love your articles. As we prepare to sail for the first time it is a great help
Frances Liz Fernandez says
I’m not a live-aboard — we’re weekend cruisers. Lots of the same best practice tricks and tips, ideas or workarounds still apply when we cruise or entertain on our 30′ Grady-White. I love reading about your adventures.
The Boat Galley says
Thanks! I think most of the info here can apply whether you’re out for the afternoon or taking off around the world. And whether it’s a power boat, monohull, cat or tri. Literally “whatever floats your boat”
Cornelia says
Dear Carolyn, thank you for your useful site. I started sailing 4 years ago, and I also love to cook. We are doing mainly weekend trips in Denmark and Germany ( Baltic Sea. ) on a 21 ft boat. I also write about cooking. My focus is on very small boats, recipes for 2 flames or BBQ. Your work is very inspiring, because there is so much to pay attention too, or keep in mind. Even if its much colder here, I could use some tipps on our Weekends. I found you on pinterest. Best wishes and thank you from Germany Cornelia
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks so much Cornelia! I took a quick look at your site (thanks to Google Translate) and you’ve got some great recipes!
Anne Ellingsen says
Thanks again Carolyn, always enjoy your articles & tips for improvement. Your knowledge has helped me be more savvy & think twice before adding to our equipment
Kelly Flores-New says
Love seeing the family portrait with your mom and dad!
The Boat Galley says
Mayflower Church portraits . . . 🙂
Kelly Flores-New says
I thought so!! 🙂
Beth Allen McLeod says
Very nice! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Andrew Hogg says
Thanks so much for this website. I’m glad that you can make some money off of it as it is a huge resource (growing weekly) and tremendously valuable to us boat nerds. You should get paid. I support musicians and if we don’t support them the music dies, or at least is much more rare. Sometimes completely free is what you pay for it. The fact that I don’t have to pay directly for it is a sweet win for me in my opinion.
Keep up the great work!!!
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks so much — I’m really glad you find it useful.
Sherri Mason Adkisson says
Your articles helped me prepare for 3 weeks on our 28ft fishing boat in the Bahamas with 3 kids–Thank you for sharing your experiences!
The Boat Galley says
Sounds like a great trip! Glad you found it useful.
Susan Lynn says
Carolyn, I love Your articles and suggestions. They are so helpful and interesting. Also, love hearing about Your adventures with Dave and Paz.
Lupari Sue says
I love reading your articles an have had used many of your great “living aboard” tips.
Carole Erdman Grant says
Our adventures aboard are in Europe so some of the BG articles don’t apply but many do, so thanks for the constant stream of wonderful articles, Carolyn. I frequently order things from Amazon and will do so through your web site…… my way of sharing back. Thanks for such relevant information.
Nicola Thomas says
That’s true, sometimes the tips/tricks don’t apply to us the Med. But always an interesting read
The Boat Galley says
I understand. And I enjoy hearing about other places!
Carole Erdman Grant says
I refer to TBG regularly!
Carole Erdman Grant says
It is difficult to shop for specialist things in an unfamiliar language so if you ever arrive in Europe, The Boat Galley, many of us here would look forward to your wisdom – in French, Flanders, Netherlander or German, 🙂
Beth Allen McLeod says
Thank you Carolyn! And you are helping so many people so that just has to feel so rewarding! A labor of love! (And an inspiration to others!)
Nicola Thomas says
Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks. Always love to read them. Keep it up
Erin Walker says
I’m a huge, huge fan!!!! Keep it up!
SV Savarona says
I so appreciate what you do every day. I have bought so many useful things based on your advice. One of my faves are the. Magma nesting pans. I use. Your cookbook all the time, the substitution section is invaluable. You taught me how to make bread on the boat that my family loves. We have been cruising for 18 months thru Mexico, Central America and Panama. I look forward to your articles and your site is one of my regulars that keep me informed and updated on the boat. Keep doing what your doing, we need you!
Flavia says
I love your site (and Facebook page), I think it’s very clear that is a labour of love. There are many sites out there, but yours stand out among them and it’s because your articles are not “I need to write something to keep the site going” or “to make money”, but they’re articles with substance and full of important/interesting content. There’s nothing wrong with making some money from something you love doing, in fact, isn’t it what we all want/look for in life? Kudos to you and all the best to you two.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks so much! Yes, I do love writing and sharing!
JP Pedro says
Keep up the good work. Tks.
Stephen Duggan says
You are doing an excellent job of it!
Tony Gariepy says
And thank you for sharing so much of your life and knowledge with us! We use it!!
Joyce Johnson says
I think you can use The Boat Galley link to Amazon for anything you want to buy there and they will get a small credit for it. Something to think about next time you plan on buying through Amazon.
The Boat Galley says
Yes, that is correct. Thank you!
Jennifer Good Spires says
You’ve been such a help to me in feeding my captain and crew. Thank you!
Anne Ellingsen says
I love “Boat Galley” we have learned so much from your articles. I recommend your website to all my fellow boaters we meet. Thank you so much for your dedication to writing the hundreds of articles .
Chris Carstens says
A great boating information site.
Diana K Weigel says
I feel very fortunate that I found your site before I started outfitting our new boat four years ago. Your recommendations have helped me save time and money in outfitting my now very well equipped small galley aboard our 30foot monohull. Your recommendations for menus and food storage have insured that we eat very well, something important to the “foodies” in my house. Thank you.
Judith Nelson Cruzan says
I’m glad you do it.
Amy Miller Dowell says
Sign me up for your newsletter please! So glad to have found your website!
Sarah Daly says
Thank you for your articles, I find them well written, informative and thought provoking! I am gearing up to live aboard our boat In The next few years and this information is invaluable.
Ric Lamont says
Fair enough. 🙂
Julia Pilon says
I have been picking up great tips from you as we are preparing for our first trip south to the Carribean this fall from Canada but unfortunately, I have to go to to purchase items that you have recommended rather than thru .com so unable to help out that way but I did purchase your kindle version of your cookbook, partly cause it looks great but also as a way to offer my thanks for all your valuable information sharing. Thank you!! 😉
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thank you so much — I’m looking at a possible way to add a link to go to Amazon Canada as I’ve had couple of requests. Hopefully, it’ll be up later this week!
Carolyn Shearlock says
I got it all worked out and now there is a link to — on desktop look towards the bottom of the sidebar on the right; on mobile, it’ll be all the way at the bottom, under the comments.

Shawna Smith says
I own the book and find it as handy for the RV as it was for the boat. Love the tips and have even clicked through on a couple of your Amazon links to purchase. Thanks for keeping the info fresh, love your posts!
Eileen Sherlock Woudstra says
I have just discovered your website and Facebook book page and am soaking up every word. My family has just bought our first sailboat (40′ Catalina 400) and we are about to set sail from St Pete, FL to our home port of Beaufort, NC. I have a lot of learning to do so keep writing!!!
The Boat Galley says
Fantastic! Not sure what route you’ll take, but if you stop in Marathon at Boot Key Harbor, be sure to get in touch. We’re on mooring ball J1.
Eileen Sherlock Woudstra says
The Boat Galley I made it fairly close to you, I’m in the marathon marina. Thanks again for all your helpful posts
Brenda Greene says
And there are thousands if us who are glad to started and continue The Boat Galley!
The Boat Galley says
Thanks! <3
Geoff McClure says
And thank you so much for all the sound advice Carolyn. We’ve been following TBG for several years and have found your advice and recommendations to be spot on. I think of TBG as a more down to earth version of Practical Sailor.
The Boat Galley says
Wow, thanks!
Erin Fischer says
You are by far my ‘go to’ expert!!!
The Boat Galley says
Thank you — that makes my day!
Stan Morin says
You should earn a stipend for products that really work, and the supplier (s) receives more sales. Having been boating for 25 years, mostly in under 33 foot, we never had to provision equipment and supplies. Now that we have a 38′ Chris Craft Catalina we can explore. Thank you so much great tips and reading material, that has saved us a lot of money lost in trial and error!
Stephanie Hamilton says
Ahhhhhhhhhh. Isn’t THAT a lovely picture!
The Boat Galley says
Yep. You’ve been there, I’m sure.
Patricia Jackson says
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. As a newby boat owner, your expertise is invaluable.
Gayle Fox says
Great article. Carry on woman..good job.
Lynn Cryer Duggan says
You give so much to so many! Information, Support, your knowledge, and your love of boating is so inspirational!
The Boat Galley says
Thank tou!
Diane Mercaldo says
Without your articles, tips and inspiration I never would have made it to the Bahamas and back, thank you!
Lillie May says
Thanks Carol for sharing. You are always so interesting to read. Enjoy the show, can’t wait to read about it
Kathryn Weber says
I used my cookbook tonight! Your tips, knowledge & generosity are amazing & appreciated so much. You have become part of the fabric of our daily cruising lives. I am deeply grateful!
Zoran Selakovic says
Carolyn, I am sure you already heard this many times before – but The Boat Galley is SUCH a wealth of knowledge and perspective – INCREDIBLY helpful and inspiring well beyond just galley area! You and Dave have built such a legacy through sharing your tips and tricks, and it’s helping numerous others follow in your footsteps. Thank you for your labor of love – it’s obvious you love what you do!
The Boat Galley says
Thank you so much — that makes my day!
Keith Allen says
Carolyn, I look forward to all the tips and stories. While I’m just a day and sometimes long weekend to the local island cruiser, your articles keep me dreaming and add to my enjoyment of cruising. The tips translate well to any boating, not just sailing, from overnight trips to weeklong excursions. Longer if one has the time. Ahhh to dream.
The Boat Galley says
Thank you!
Cheryl Bular says
Thanks for helping me NOT be a galley slave! LOL keep up the good work. We all love you!
The Boat Galley says
Let’s hear it for #nogalleyslaves!
Patty Thompson says
Thank you for all you do Carolyn. Bought your cookbook awhile ago. One day I would love to meet you and have you autograph it. And just the other day I purchased your ebook Storing Food without Refrigeration. Even thought we have a small refrig and freezer it is by no means big enough so I love all your tips! You are amazing!!!
The Boat Galley says
Thanks! And I’d love to sign it for you <3
Nicki Reineck says
I have vestibular problems which means that I always feel like I am underway. I found found your tips about cooking while at sea to be very helpful.
Marc K says
Thank you, Carolyn, for your labor of love with the website and books. We own a small trailerable sailboat. We are currently cruising locally in South Florida. But have plans to cruise the Great Loop in the near future. Your tips are invaluable to us. We have purchased and are appreciating many invaluable items from your arcticles. Keep up the great work. As you can see, you have many admirers that appreciate your work.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks so much — I’m very glad that you find it helpful!
Melody-Charlie Cook says
So thankful your knowledge, experience and writings. We have learned a lot.
The Boat Galley says
Love you guys! I have really enjoyed watching you grow over the last six months. And Happy Anniversary <3
Matt Claiborne says
I love your blog and your reviews. You have been a huge help to us as we started cruising. I have, on numerous occasions, shared your articles online because you have already done the research and have the answers. Thanks!
The Boat Galley says
Thanks so much! I really appreciate that.
Jennie Bostock says
Carolyn, can you make an affiliate link somewhere to Amazon uk? Not sure that i can get to uk version from the us version and preserve the affiliate link. I use amazon loads and it’s no hardship to bookmark the page with the link and use that whenever i want something. 🙂
I love your Web page – it’s been so useful to me. I bought and moved aboard Maestro with no prior experience of boats AT ALL, and having someone explain and review things has made loads of difference. Thank you!
The Boat Galley says
They now automatically redirect to the country you’re in. So if you’re in the UK any of the Amazon links should redirect there. You can check by clicking one. But if it doesn’t work, here is one to the home page: — and I’ll add one to the “Support” page tomorrow. THANK YOU! I really appreciate the support <3
The Boat Galley says
Just added to the list on the sidebar (in the laptop version of the site) and also on the “Support” page! Thanks for suggesting it.
Anonymous says
Thank you for writing these tips. While not all are applicable to my current situation I do learn tons. You also helped me find my favorite hair product being the neutrgena leave in conditioner
Anonymous says
Isla San Francisco?
The Boat Galley says
Yes — such a gorgeous place!
Anonymous says
The Boat Galley in all the world there’s only one! One of our favorites so far.
Anonymous says
Its why we love TBG
Anonymous says
Great stuff Carolyn. Thanks for helping other cruisers.