When we purchased Que Tal, the last line of the gear list said “collection of strategically located flashlights.” We laughed about it at the time, but came to appreciate the sheer genius of the previous owners. There were probably a dozen small flashlights mounted all over the boat!
Any time we wanted to peer into a locker — generally when I was looking to see what cans or packets I had squirreled away in some really inaccessible place — there was a flashlight readily at hand.
Unfortunately, many quickly succumbed to the realities of a marine environment. Filaments broke in bulbs, parts corroded, and battery life was next to nil. While it was wonderful to have flashlights everywhere, we decided that it would be far better to have working flashlights everywhere. And so the search began . . .
Our first lessons involved the batteries. We began turning one upside down when we weren’t using the light to prevent it from accidentally being turned on. Yes, the motion of the boat would often shift gear so that something would bump the switch and turn the light on and drain the batteries. Turning one upside down prevented this.
Then we learned about “self-discharge rates.” Batteries still go dead just sitting there. Different types of batteries do so at different speeds, with lithium batteries having the least self-discharge of any type commonly available for flashlights. But they’re expensive.
So our next step was to cut the number of “strategically located flashlights” to the ones we used the most often, and use lithium batteries in those.
Then a friend gave us an LED flashlight (this was when LED flashlights were just coming out). WOW! Talk about improved battery life with great light. We were really impressed . . . until the switches died after just three months aboard. But it was enough to convince us that LED was the way to go — we just needed better ones.
Well, another trip back to the US gave us the chance to try again on our flashlights. We have several mini-Maglites that worked well except for the bulbs dying easily. I found LED conversion kits for these on Amazon and they have been satisfactory. Still have to put a battery in upside-down as they will still come on “by themselves.”
Where I really did well though, was in the Gerber LED little flashlights I bought. They have just one LED and use just one AA battery, so we’re not talking flood lights — but perfect for looking into the dark corners of a locker or checking something on deck at night. They had by far the best reviews of any of the lights I looked at, but I kept balking at the price (then $18; they’re actually a bit less now) for such a small light. Finally, I broke down and bought two. Love, love, love them!!
- They NEVER turn on by themselves. No more turning batteries upside down to store, and then back right-side up to use.
- Small size, so I can carry one in my pocket.
- Mine came with a neck lanyard and a pocket clip; newer ones seem to just have the clip.
- Waterproof to 10 feet. I haven’t actually taken it underwater, but I have used it in driving rain and when getting splashed with waves. No problems.
- Sturdily made. It just feels solid.
- Amazing battery life. Using a lithium battery, I used one several times a day for over six months before I had to change the battery (the specs say they’ll run 32 hours on an alkaline)
The link to them on Amazon: Gerber Infinity Ultra Task LED Flashlight (Note: The Gerber Infinity is not always in stock. Pelican has a similar flashlight that is highly rated. I have not owned it myself.)
We’ve had these now for over 8  years and I’m still thrilled with them. While I initially wondered if they cost too much, I now can say that they’re the least expensive flashlights we’ve owned on a per-year basis. I haven’t needed to buy additional bulbs and the flashlights themselves are still working fine with no sign of corrosion. And the savings in batteries is considerable, too.
Just a side note: On our family camping trip a few years ago, it seems that everyone else’s flashlights died the first night and Dave and I ended up walking several people home as we had the only lights that still worked. Happened every evening after the campfire — and while all the kids and grandkids were buying more batteries all week, we never had to. And at the end of the week, several took photos of our flashlights so they could buy them when they got home!
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Molly Stokes says
Have you looked at solar powered flashlights? We got two as giftd and I took one sailing. Love them.
Chuck Burns on Facebook says
Good LED flashlights are a godsend… Until now the definition of flashlight was “holder for dead batteries”
The Boat Galley on Facebook says
So true!
Andy says
Don’t forget LED headlamps. Same advantages of the LED flashlights-light weight, multiple settings, great battery life, but keep your hands free!
Dave Wahrer says
Just ordered one from Amazon.
Sailing with Totem says
…not to mention one that lasts, and lasts, and lasts. just used ours to explore hongs (sky-lit caves inside the limestone islands near Phuket, Thailand) and wow, it makes all the difference in the world…we were all jostling over who could use the “good” flashlight!
The Boat Galley says
No kidding! Wish I was there . . . I’ve got the flashlight.
Charlotte Caldwell says
Have you tried marine beam? It is as good if not better than a spotlight and the distance the beam travels is wondrous. A little pricey but worth it.
The Boat Galley says
Haven’t tried one — but I’d like to. These are the little lights we use for “everyday stuff” on the boat. Definitely not for the spotlight type stuff. But we’re also in the market for a spotlight, so I’ll look at those.
Barb France says
Great article…we also have flashlights in all areas of the boat. Our main problem is that when someone uses one they can get legs and not put back where they belong. (that person knows who HE is). So I always double check if they are all in the proper place….lol! You just never know when you’ll need them.
Rosalind Franks says
Perfect timing! We have been trying to find flashlights that will last more than a few months on the boat. Thank you
rob waldrop says
I haven’t moved to the boat yet, but have a pair of “tactical LED flashlights”, one in the truck center console, one in the glove compartment. They’ve ridden thru an entire winter with Duracell lithiums, and are still as bright as the day I bought them and have an “adjustable” beam. I got the pair for under $10 thru a coupon site linked to Amazon. They’re supposed to be waterproof to 30 feet but haven’t had a need to test that yet. Real challenge is a waterproof (IE dive with) LED headlight. Any comments there?
Carolyn Shearlock says
I know a couple of people who use the Mantus headlamps as dive dive lights. They’re good down to 30 feet. https://www.mantusmarine.com/mantus-head-lamp/
Chuck B says
“Currently unavailable” on the Amazon listing. Any suggestions for an alternative with similar longevity?
Dave Skolnick (S/V Auspicious) says
Technology marches on. My current flashlight of choice is from Infray. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079DHV4DY . Dive a little deeper and they have two versions of note – one that runs off AAA batteries and a rechargeable (micro-USB). I have four. One rechargeable is always in my pocket. A spare rechargeable is in my delivery go-bag. A AAA version is my small tool bag and another in my big tool bag.
For spares (to give to crew, in drawers around the boat and house) cheap LEDs at about $6US for eight lights (three AAA batteries) have been a good solution.
Andy mentioned headlamps in 2013. There is definitely a role for those but watchstanding is NOT one. You turn to look at someone (me coming up the companionway!) and their night vision is shot. Simply not okay for passagemaking and other overnights.