Ever have a real “duh” moment? Yeah, this was one of those.
I always scrape our dishes into a Ziploc bag that I use for food scraps (it’s always been used at least once before, usually for frozen meat, since I don’t like to reuse those for other food).
And I always have a problem holding the bag open while I scrape.
A little over two years ago, reader Diane Dashevsky wrote me about the Jokari Bag Holder — a nifty little device that holds Ziploc bags open. (You can see where this is going . . . )
And then when she had us over to their boat for dinner a couple of days after we arrived in Marathon, she gave me one. I’ve been using it and finding it really handy.
But it wasn’t until about a week ago that it hit me to use it to hold my garbage bag.
Yeah, it makes it a lot easier! Duh.
Now it has a permanent position on the galley counter with the garbage bag. I close the bag when it’s not in use by removing one side from the holder and zipping it to the other. There’s a small gap where the “hand” is but I haven’t had any problem so far with anything falling out or bugs getting in — although when underway I do remove the bag from the holder and totally zip it up.
And it’s simple to remove and replace the “garbage” bag when I want to use the bag holder for bagging food to go into the refrigerator or freezer.
Thanks so much Diane!
You can buy the Jokari Bag Holders on Amazon.
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Hazel says
It looks like it is probably useful -IF you regularly throw food away – IF you use disposable bags with any frequency. I try to avoid both those scenarios for financial and environmental reasons.
Wasting food is like throwing money down the drain (or overboard 😉 ) A reusable container easily holds edible food scraps that can be used in soups or added to the next meal.
Carolyn Shearlock says
I wouldn’t say I throw food away too often . . . but scraping dishes before washing them? Always!
Summer says
So just a random question. I have always scraped my plate overboard. Not that there is ever much on it. Any reason not to do that that you can think of not to do this? Obviously no bones but pretty much everything else.
Carolyn Shearlock says
It depends on where you are — in some places it’s illegal to put any sort of food scrap in the water, in others it’s allowed. Some things — like orange and banana peels — take longer than you think to decompose and wash up on beaches and aren’t too pretty. Some foods, also, are not good for wild animals to eat.
Judie Ashford says
I use a Rubbermaid cereal container/dispenser lined with a produce bag that still maintains integrity. The small snap top opens sufficiently wide for most scraps to go into it; larger scraps, or plate scrapings, are easily accommodated by removing the whole top. If you can find one that is opaque, that is a bonus. The old Rubbermaid flour/sugar containers, or an old Tupperware canister, lined with a plastic bag, can also serve this purpose and not have the scraps in view. The lids keep the smell contained, and no chance of bugs being drawn by the wafting odors. If you’ve used your napkin to do the scraping, it can just follow the mess into the canister without having to be dealt with separately.
Kennethand Robin Moody says
Best gadget ever!
Carol Zip says
I try to use leftover food containers for scraps, like sour cream or ricotta cheese containers. These aren’t recyclable anyway. Also use bags that have a Ziploc top that food came in, such as frozen vegetables or sandwich wraps m
Carolyn Shearlock says
I use those sometimes too — but don’t have many since Dave became allergic to milk products. So no sour cream, yogurt, etc.! But I do get plenty of plastic bags that I can reuse for garbage.
John Date says
Great idea for a product, but I have a single container I use as a base. It’s diameter closely matches the opening of the bag, Open the bag, drop it into the container and fold the bag’s edge around the container. The support of a container is stable in a seaway and handles any weight.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Since I use bags that have been used before (and are too gunky to try to wash out . . . ) they tend to be all different sizes, so having one that’s “universal” works well. If you always have the same size bags, then a fixed container is great.
Patti Holma says
I love mine! Have 2; one for house and 1 for boat.
Carol Zip says
I save anything Ziploc that I have used the contents or containers like margarine or sour cream and use these for food scraps first.
Tammy Corbett Osgood says
Love these!
Al Hall Sr says
Ann Marie Rodgers Hall
Rick Pharr says
Any thoughts or experience with kitchen counter compositing? I just saw an add for Foodcycler.
Carolyn Shearlock says
My boat is just so small that I don’t have room, so haven’t tried it. I’d love to hear from anyone who has!
Kara says
I’ve used these for years when prepping freezer meals. They really are so helpful and have such a simple design. And the rubber on the bottom will be perfect for the boat!