Older dome lights use a lot of power on a boat, typically drawing just under two amps with a 20 watt bulb.
While not the biggest power hog on Barefoot Gal, we knew that switching them over to LEDs would be a quick and easy project. Very bright LED replacement “bulbs” would draw only 0.23 amps!
I got our replacement bulbs from Cruising Solutions, one of TBG’s sponsors. They have replacement bulbs for virtually every light fixture. I started by removing the old bulb to see exactly what type it was — both what type of base and the wattage. I knew that if anything, we wanted more light in these areas, not less. Since I was a little confused by all the options, I picked out what I thought we wanted, then called and double-checked before ordering.
On Barefoot Gal, the dome lights are in areas where we wanted bright light, so we chose the 23-LED universal matrix for all of them (you can also get them that have both red and white). Had we wanted softer light, they have smaller arrays that draw even less power (see all their LED replacements here)!
A quick photo tour of installing them:
Start by turning off the circuit breaker to the light you’re working on. If you’re not the only person aboard, it’s a good idea to put a piece of tape over the breaker with something written on it along the lines of “don’t turn on; work in progress.” I’m usually lazy and just write “NO!” Yeah, I know you shouldn’t have to do this to change a bulb, but I just like to have things off when I’m working on them.
Then remove the trim ring and glass from the light fixture. On most brands of lights, the screws are tiny — stick them in a cup so you don’t lose them!
If you want to reuse the old halogen bulb (either in a infrequently used light or to sell/give to someone else), use a piece of paper or cloth to remove it. Touching a halogen bulb with bare fingers leaves oil on it, and because of the high heat that halogen bulbs put out, this can damage and bulb and cause it to blow up. If the bulb is a “G4” style, as most dome lights are, you just pull to remove it — two little wires will just slide out. Other bulb styles may require the bulb to be twisted slightly, then pulled out.
Attach the correct adapter to the wiring coming from the LED bulb (the photo is the “G4” style with two wires if you’re wondering . . .).
Plug the bulb into the socket. Turn the power on and then the fixture on. Make sure it works before going any further. Then switch it back off.
Route the wire to go down the center section and dry fit the bulb into the fixture. See next photo for how it has to fit.
Then peel the backing off the double-sided tape and stick the bulb to the fixture. Press hard so it will stay in place — it’s perfectly OK to touch the LEDs.
Put the lens and trim ring back on with those teeny-tiny screws. For me, this was the hardest part of the job (a computer screwdriver such as this one really helps).
Total time? About 5 minutes per fixture, including washing the glass.
We also changed out the reading lights over the bed and it was even simpler as it was a straight “change bulb” deal with nothing to take apart or adapters to fit. About 30 seconds each for those.
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Carolyn Shearlock has lived aboard full-time for 17 years, splitting her time between a Tayana 37 monohull and a Gemini 105 catamaran. She’s cruised over 14,000 miles, from Pacific Mexico and Central America to Florida and the Bahamas, gaining firsthand experience with the joys and challenges of life on the water.
Through The Boat Galley, Carolyn has helped thousands of people explore, prepare for, and enjoy life afloat. She shares her expertise as an instructor at Cruisers University, in leading boating publications, and through her bestselling book, The Boat Galley Cookbook. She is passionate about helping others embark on their liveaboard journey—making life on the water simpler, safer, and more enjoyable.
Rodney Lewis says
I’d like to do this, but the prices at that place are OUTRAGEOUS! Folks, if you look hard enough, there are articles on how to make up your own LED assemblies for a small fraction of the cost those robbers ask.
The Boat Galley says
If you want to make your own, sure you can do it cheaper. But for pre-made? Prices are competitive.
Rodney Lewis says
You know what? What you call “competitive” IS outrageous. Just for perspective, at the local Home Depot they sell replacement recessed ceiling lights. 2 years ago they were going for about $40 a pop, and now they are $15. In the same period of time the stuff at West Marine actually went UP!
Colin Mombourquette says
2/3rd’s if the way through replacing the old incandescents on my Alberg 28 with LED bulbs/fixtures – electrical consumption is less than 1/5th of what it used to be and there is better illumination. Expensive, yes; but a good investment as I plan on sailing the good old boat for years to come.
Mike Boyd says
If you guys want to get more adventurous with LED replacement, I wrote up my project to convert my fluorescent fixtures to LED.
Fluorescent to LED Conversion project
Cost was around $2 per fluorescent tube replaced.
Mike Boyd says
I’ve replaced most of my lights with LED using some pre-made bulbs as well as some do-it-yourself options. Definitely worth the effort in power savings. I’ve done a couple write-ups for those interested:
One thing with LED nav lights. Make sure the bulb doesn’t interfere with radio or electronics…some of the replacement bulbs can be noisy…electrically speaking.
Natalie Claire Seager says
John Seager this could be good for above the chart table…
Bill Dixon says
We tend to keep solar hours on the boat. Dont leave lights on long enuff to matter. Big energy savins for us was in the big energy using refridgerator. External insulation between engine room and refer box really paid off.
ChrisW says
Given the cost of very good house batteries and the fact they are charge cycle limited, we found that the extension of useful life on the batteries due to reduced recharge AH per week just about paid for the LED bulbs.
One suggestion though. Some LED bulbs have built-in dimmer circuitry and some battery chargers put out electrical noise which triggers the dimmer circuitry. When we first encountered this, the lights would do through a continuous dim-brighten cycle as long as the charger was in bulk mode. We recommend trying a single LED replacement before buying a bunch that have this annoying behavior.
CherylAnn Falconer says
We invested in changing all our old incandescent with LED’s last year on pur Liberty 458, it droped our power bill to 1/4 of what it used to be. We are in CA = expensive. I agree with Colin Mombourquette. Well worth the investment. You can also choose the ambience you like in different locations on the boat.
Ernest Lorimer says
I know this won’t be exactly popular, but I’ve started down this path direct sourcing bulbs from Alibaba. I replaced all the reading lamps for less than a dollar each. These turned out to be auto taillight bulbs. I ordered extras, and they arrived after a couple of weeks in a padded envelope. A quarter of them didn’t work, but it still was a good deal.
I also ordered replacement bulbs for the courtesy lights. These also turn out to be auto bulbs. I haven’t tried them yet, as they took about 3 months to arrive. But those were around a dollar a bulb. The delay I can see from the envelope was because the Post Office sent them back as undeliverable (my office!) and they were resent to the same address.
Gimme Shelter says
Just make sure you aren’t getting any interference with your VHF. Brands like Dr. LED and HQRP guarantee their marine bulbs to be shielded, so they won’t cause any RF problems.
Gimme Shelter says
We did some LED testing as well. Cruising Solutions seems to be about half the price of West Marine, but a little steeper than HQRP-USA on eBay.
Bruce (s/v Migration) says
Before you invest in changing all the bulbs in your boat, look at how much you actually use each light. Saloon, galley, nav station, and reading lights all make sense. But a light in closet or berth that is hardly ever used really doesn’t save you much. Even the light in the head (unless you do a lot of preening). If a light is on for 1/2 hour a day (which would be a lot in the head), you would save about 3/4 of an amp hour. That doesn’t make a dent in most electrical budgets.
Edward Biernot says
that is a huge difference, thanks for the tip
David B Weaver says
I bought led replacements on eBay. They had to come from China so it took longer to get them. The type I got was 2 for $5 with free shipping. Significantly cheaper. Worked fine.
Brad Fisher says
I changed all our halogen G4 bulbs to LED. Power savings as well as almost no heat generated. Got from Amazon direct from China as well. Very inexpensive. Easy upgrade.
Darryel Picou says
I changed over 50 lights on my boat to LED wow what a difference
Kevin Troy Forbes says
Less power draw, long life, vibration resistant. Absolutely
Abby Penny says
Pennco Phil
Steve Eberhard says
Outland Hatch Covers, LLC says
We changed all the bulbs in our boat and its a great peace of mind knowing if you leave a light on it wont cause a problem in the battery dept.
John Rushworth says
About 1/10th the consumption of the 10 Watt original halogens. First upgrade I did, well worthwhile.
Rik Savering says
I did this on my Lancer 27. 6 changed to LED. INCREDIBLE difference.
Darlene Luxton says
We’ve changed all ours to LEAD with halogen for when on shore power and we don’t have to pay!!!
Mike Hellyar Sr says
On my. 22ft pocket cruiser I have placed battery powered LED touch/tap lights. Messing with wiring in a small cruiser as most sailors know is hard on the body. Batteries last forever and cheap to replace. And his way only light up where needed.
Carolyn Shearlock says
I’ve used some of those in the galley where wiring wasn’t easy. Love them! Add a Little Light
Pierre Askmo says
Thanks a lot for a very well explained and illustrated post! All light fixtures on my old Ranger 37 are now LED. Most of them use the 23-LED universal matrix. I am having a hard time finding replacement bulbs, do you have a source? The link in the post yields a 404 error. They do sell a “UNIVERSAL MATRIX RED/WHITE” but the 23-led seems hard to find.
Carolyn Shearlock says
Thanks — they redid their website and the links changed. I fixed them.
I think this is the one you’re looking for: https://www.cruisingsolutions.com/products/universal-matrix-23-power?_pos=1&_sid=ef4deb81d&_ss=r
If that’s not right, check the full listing on this page: https://www.cruisingsolutions.com/collections/cabin-lighting
Pierre Askmo says
Thanks Carlyn! So these square ones (mine are round) will fit a 5.5″ diameter dome light?
Carolyn Shearlock says
Yep! As shown in the pictures in the post of installing them in my boat!