Our recently-discovered corollary to Boat Refit Rule #1: anything you take off you’ll have to reinstall. But here are three important tips to making reinstallation of boat parts easier.
Fasteners (Amazon)
Ziploc Bags (Amazon)
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Today’s episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by SpotlessStainless, the safe, fast and easy way to remove rust from marine stainless steel and fiberglass. Brush on, wait 30 minutes, and rinse off this environmentally friendly gel for a like-new shine, no scrubbing required! Brush on Spotless Stainless; remove rust. It’s that simple! A Practical Sailor Best Choice Award winner, Spotless Stainless is available at SpotlessStainless.com and Amazon. Use discount code “galley” for 20% off your order of $50 or more. SpotlessStainless.com: Say goodbye to stubborn rust stains!
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Music: “Slow Down” by Yvette Craig
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