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Deciding how to divide cruising time between work and pleasure is a real conundrum. Another joint podcast wherein we answer a fantastic question about life balance from a follower.
Podcast Summary
No one starts cruising so they can work on their boat all the time. Yes, it’s important to keep your vessel in good repair. But you also need to learn how to balance fun with boat work. But just how do you do that?
Here are a few tips:
- Cruiser and coach, Behan Gifford, suggests someone onboard becomes a “happiness engineer.” They take on the responsibility for planning fun activities on a regular basis.
- Make sure you block out time on your schedule for both fun and boat chores.
- Fun is important. So besides scheduling time for it, leave money in your budget for it.
- Be sure to make time for fun when you’re in particularly interesting spots. After all, you can make repairs nearly anywhere (once you have supplies). But some adventures are site specific.
- And, if you struggle to find time for fun and boat work, extend your stay. You can always slow down.
- Even if you prefer anchoring, an occasional marina stay can help you replenish your spirits.
- Beating weather may be a race. But balance it with a break when you’re past the worst of it.
- Make sure everyone on the crew gets moments of fun, including pets and kids.
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Today’s episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by Lunatec, makers of the hydration spray bottle, odor-free dishcloth and self-cleaning washcloth. Lunatec offers practical gear designed to save water and reduce waste. A water bottle that doubles as a garden hose? A dish cloth that doesn’t get stinky? Yes, please! Visit to learn more; use code boatgalley to save 10% on everything. Lunatec: innovative gear for your outdoor adventures.
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Music: “Slow Down” by Yvette Craig