Common Problems & Worries
Worries & Concerns
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What if you need a tow? What if a crew member needs medical attention while you’re underway? How do you deal with frustration or feeling overwhelmed?
You can’t always control the things that can and do go wrong when you’re cruising, but knowledge and preparation can help quiet those worries. And they might just be the difference between a mildly-unpleasant experience and utter disaster.
Learn from our years on the water.

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The reality just not living up to the dream? Wondering if you were nuts to buy a boat?
You're not alone.
Before you decide to sell her, read how we coped with some of the common frustrations and that time Carolyn was totally, completely and entirely fed up!

Fire Aboard
Fire Aboard!
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Fire has to rank high on every boater's nightmare list.
You have to watch for potential fire hazards, have the right gear, plan what to do and practice.
And when all that fails, be ready to leave the boat.

Health Issues
Health Issues
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Living the dream doesn't make you immune to illness and injury, unfortunately.
Tips to prepare for and handle medical issues from minor to major, as well as how to keep cruising even with serious medical conditions.

Keeping Bugs Out of Your Boat
Keeping Bugs
Out of Your Boat
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Tips and useful information to avoid ants, spiders, cockroaches, no-see-ums, mosquitoes and other bugs on your cruising boat.

Hot Weather When Living On A Boat
Coping With
Hot Weather When
Living On A Boat
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For many, one of the allures of cruising is "no snow." But endless summer has its own challenges with hot, humid weather.
Tips to reduce or eliminate cooking heat, improve ventilation, stop mold and mildew and cool down.

Emergency Gear
Emergency Gear
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Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
All the gear we really, truly, seriously hope we wasted money buying. But should we ever need it, we want it to work perfectly!

Hurricane Prep
Hurricane Prep
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Hurricanes are a fact of life in most cruising grounds. Preparing for one starts long before it's ever predicted, in the off-season.
See our articles below or if you want a detailed step-by-step look at how to prepare your boat, check out our course Comprehensive Hurricane Prep for Boaters.

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